Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


[ “G.O.A.L.S.” is a place where students write about how their planned, current, and future activities may fit into the Honors & Scholars G.O.A.L.S.: Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement. For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.

Global Awareness: Students cultivate and develop their appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences. For example, consider course work, study abroad, involvement in cultural organizations or activities, etc .
Original Inquiry: Honors & Scholars students understand the research process by engaging in experiences ranging from in-class scholarly endeavors to creative inquiry projects to independent experiences with top researchers across campus and in the global community. For example, consider research, creative productions or performances, advanced course work, etc.
Academic Enrichment: Honors & Scholars students pursue academic excellence through rigorous curricular experiences beyond the university norm both in and out of the classroom.
Leadership Development: Honors & Scholars students develop leadership skills that can be demonstrated in the classroom, in the community, in their co-curricular activities, and in their future roles in society.
Service Engagement: Honors & Scholars students commit to service to the community.]


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


This August, I had the opportunity to volunteer at an urban farm alongside my fellow Business Scholars. This picture was taken after we completed our work of picking vegetables and cleaning up trash around the garden. This photo is significant to me because this day helped me grow closer to my Columbus community, as well as my Business Scholars community.


About Me

Marisa Lancaster is a first-year student in the Fisher College of Business and is apart of the University’s Business Scholars’ program. She plans on majoring in Finance. In high school, Marisa was the director of business operations at a high-end florist company called, Lynch Design in Cleveland. Marisa also enjoys traveling. In high school, she went to northern India for two weeks and learned about the role of women there and was immersed in the culture with the help of a host family.  In her free time, Marisa enjoys doing hot yoga and going on runs. Marisa is looking forward to all the opportunities Ohio State has to offer.