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For do, I went to get a tattoo. This was something that I have always wanted to do. Unfortunately for me, my parents did not allow this in high school. Coming to college, I had hoped this had changed.

After a lot of thinking and gathering money, I finally decided on getting a tattoo. It took a while, but I finally chose to go to Evolved. I chose this location as I herad the artists were great and it was located very close to my dorm on High Street. Walking to the shop I felt nervous, but not too much.

Once there, I was told they accepted walk-ins and had an open spot. This made me excited as I could get it right away. I told them my idea of a simple cross on my chest and they said it shouldn’t take to long at all. They took me to te back and were ready to go.

As the needle hit my skin, my fears went away as I realized the pain was not that bad at all. It was actually quite bearable. This soon changed though as the artist went on to shading near my nipple. It felt quite bad as the vibration was insane. After a solid fifteen minutes of pain, it was over.

Overall, the experience was not that bad. My fears of getting a tattoo had ben erased, and after showing my parents, they saisd they were fine with it. Since then, I have gotten another tattoo and plan on getting many more.



For go, I went down to OU. Many of my friends go here and I wanted to experience what I have heard so much about.

I went down a Friday night with my friend Nahal. The drive was about an hour and a half, but it was not bad as I had slept the whole way. Once we got there, finding a parking spot was very stressful as the campus was packed for fest week. After a solid thirty minutes, we finally found a spot.

After parking, we met up with our friend Dave who gave us a tour of the campus. It was quite beautiful as many people say, I just am more fond of modern architecture though. We walked for about half an hour before we decided to head to the dorm room to hang out an eat a snack before heading out.

After dinner, we decided to head to Palmer Fest. Palmer Fest is a big event located in one of the apartment complexes called Palmer Place. It was absolutely packed to the brim with people. Here, we saw many of our friends from high school that we haven’t seen in ages. Two of them are actually in the picture above with Nahal and I.

The Fest lead on to the second day, which we attended as well. On Sunday after a very fun week, we parted ways and I was dropped back off at OSU. OU was a great time as I got to see many of my old friends again and I will definitely be back.

Year in Review

Going int0 freshman year, I expected college to not be that bad. After first semester, my opinion had changed by a lot. I had realized that college would not be the breeze that I had thought it would be. Many hours of my time were spent studying and doing homework instead of having free time. Chemistry had began to kill my spirit as I had thought it would be an easy class. Unfortunately for me, my first semester did not go as plan.

Second semester,. I had gotten myself together. I realized the mistakes I made first semester and attempted to correct them. My first step in doing so was to retake chem 1210. In doing so, I would attempt to fix the mistakes I had made first semester. I hired a tutor and began to study. In doing so, I saw a drastic change in the results that I had been achieving. I saw my grades shoot up as I had become to get test grades that were above the average. Thanks to tutring, I had turned my semester around.

Throughout the year, I had done many service opportunities. My favorite would have to have been the haunt the halls. This was sponsored by the Park-Stradley hall council, which I am a part of. For this event, the hall council and I had set up the lobby of our dorm to prepare for the kids that would be entering our hall for Halloween. We had set up many games and events to help entertain them. Once they arrived, we all took part in playing games with the children. This was a fun time as I got to hang out with kids while serving my community.


[ “G.O.A.L.S.” is a place where students write about how their planned, current, and future activities may fit into the Honors & Scholars G.O.A.L.S.: Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement. For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.

Global Awareness: Students cultivate and develop their appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences. For example, consider course work, study abroad, involvement in cultural organizations or activities, etc .
Original Inquiry: Honors & Scholars students understand the research process by engaging in experiences ranging from in-class scholarly endeavors to creative inquiry projects to independent experiences with top researchers across campus and in the global community. For example, consider research, creative productions or performances, advanced course work, etc.
Academic Enrichment: Honors & Scholars students pursue academic excellence through rigorous curricular experiences beyond the university norm both in and out of the classroom.
Leadership Development: Honors & Scholars students develop leadership skills that can be demonstrated in the classroom, in the community, in their co-curricular activities, and in their future roles in society.
Service Engagement: Honors & Scholars students commit to service to the community.]


cartoon-bone  Throughout my career so far at OSU, I have learned many valuable things that will help me in my future endeavors at college. Coming in as a bio major with a premed track, I knew some of the courses I would have to take, but I did not fully grasp what I would have to face while pursuing my major. With the assistance of HSS and other sources of info, I was able to get a more clear understanding of my intended major. As I gained a more clear understanding of my intended major, I toyed with what career options I could have. With the use of campus resources and online information, I was able to pick out future careers such as an orthopedic surgeon or a forensic pathologist. While trying to balance my time between academics and friends, I also learned to stay healthy. To achieve this, I often go on runs to keep me in shape and eat three full meals a day. I try to make these meals as healthy as possible. My gorunning-hial with staying healthy is to stick to this plan for as long as I can and maybe even refine it into a more streamlined regiment. In my next semester and the rest that face me in my future, I plan on becoming much more studious. To do so, I must first stop becoming so much of a procrastinator. I will have to start my work much further in advance so it does not happen to pile up and bog down my progress.3060_medical_doctor_hospital_sign_md_symbol_sticker_decal


For eating, some friends and I went to a local Indian restaurant called Mughal Darbar. This was due to many of our friends being Indian and their constant bragging of how good their food is. We decided to head out and check it for ourselves.

To get to the restaurant, we had to take a COTA as it is located off campus. Riding the COTA is not a new thing to me as we have ridden it many times to get to other places off campus such as Target or the Short North.

Once we had arrived at the restaurant Mughal Darbar, I had no idea what to order. Conferring with my Indian friends, I was told to order the tikka masala as I am a fan of spicy foods. Tikka masala consists of chicken in a spicy tomato cream sauce. It was a great meal, although a little pricey. By eating here , I have become more open to try more Indian foods.

boneless pieces of chicken simmered bell pepper,onion in tomato and fenugreek sauce with fresh coriander herbs

About Me

Hello, my name is Christian Lamielle. I am a graduate of Green High school where I was awarded with Honors and being on the Wall of Fame. I was also a part of the NHS chapter that my school associated with. I am currently a freshman majoring in Biology on a pre-med track. My ultimate goal is to become a surgeon, specializing in orthopedics. Along the way I hope to engage myself in a large variety of volunteer work, very similar to how I did throughout high school. I also plan on doing  some sort of research and look for a way to shadow a physician.