
Global Awareness: Learning about the world around us is necessary to become a well-rounded person. To expand my global awareness, I plan on taking several measures. First, I would like to take courses that have a worldwide scope. For instance, classes such as the History of HIV in Africa, Health Disparities in Social Context, and Cultures of Medicine will help me to broaden my knowledge of the world in a topic that interests me. In addition, I will be minoring in Medical Humanities and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, which are heavily based in social issues. These academic focuses will add to my global awareness. Ultimately, after taking some of these classes, I would like to apply my knowledge by studying or volunteering abroad. Altogether, by cultivating a better sense of the world around me, I will be more open to diverse ideas and opinions, which is why global awareness is so important.

Original Inquiry: Creating and formulating one’s own ideas is applicable throughout one’s whole life. I would like to create original inquiry in college through several different ways. One example of original inquiry is research. As a student who wants to continue onto medical school, doing research in the medical field could not only boost my knowledge for a future in medicine, but also find new knowledge that enriches collective knowledge. I would like to assist in current research projects on HIV and how it affects the LGBTQ+ community. Once I have experience in researching with top researchers on campus, I can apply my knowledge to create research projects of my own. I would like to take an elective biochemistry research class as an upperclassman to continue my previous research. Overall, with original inquiry, one must be creative and curious, which are traits that drive people to success.

Academic Enrichment: Being challenged and still maintaining excellence is a character trait that all should strive to have. Thus, I plan on making sure I have a stimulating course load throughout my college years. I plan on taking courses that are diverse and truly enrich all sides of my knowledge. For instance, I look forward to taking upper-level biochemistry courses that are pertinent to my major, but I would also like to take courses that have a humanities focus. Thus, I will continue to take music classes as well as sociology and philosophy courses to round out my education. My minors will also demonstrate my academic enrichment. Since I want to minor in Medical Humanities and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, I will be taking plenty of engaging courses that go beyond the simple requirements for my major. I am very excited to learn about diverse topics through these classes because they will make me a better doctor in the future. In all, by becoming academically enriched, I can pursue excellence in and out of the classroom.

Leadership Development: Involvement outside of the classroom is necessary to balance academic pursuits. Over time, this involvement can turn into opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills which can help in one’s career. For me, I am heavily involved in Men’s Glee Club so far. Eventually, I would love to attend committee meetings for the club so that I can start to explore leadership within the organization. Additionally, as I become more involved with research in the medical field, I can demonstrate leadership through directing my own projects. Lastly, I would like to gain leadership through future internship opportunities at medical centers. As I gain more experience through my co-curricular activities, I can obtain more leadership experience that will be useful in my career.

Service Engagement: By servicing the community, students can build on their educational experiences and become a more well-rounded person. For me, I have several service opportunities that I am or hope to be involved with in the future. One example of service that I currently do is through Men’s Glee Club. Often, we serve the community by singing at various events. For instance, singing at the James Cancer Hospital for veterans on Veterans’ Day was a greatly way to benefit the community. Additionally, I would like to become involved with volunteer service in the medical field. For example, by volunteering at hospitals or at free clinics, I give back to the community. Also, I can gain experience in the medical field, which is beneficial in my pursuit to become a doctor. Overall, since helping people is what I value most, I am truly excited to help my community in any way that I can.

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