
My First Semester at Ohio State

My first semester at Ohio State has been interesting to say the least. Time absolutely flew by – I can’t believe that we only have a little over 2 weeks left until Winter Break. I have enjoyed my time at OSU but I definitely won’t miss it when I’m away over Christmas. I can’t really remember what I thought college would be like but now that I have lived it, I feel like it really isn’t anything like my expectations. The same thing was true with the Humanities Scholars program. I didn’t really know what to expect but now I am so happy that I am a Humanities Manatee!

I have met a lot of new people but haven’t really connected to many because I have been really focused on homework and studying for midterms and exams. Hopefully next semester I will be able to take part in more activities around campus and meet some new friends that share similar interests as me. I’ve had fun exploring campus and doing my best to take advantage of all that it has to offer. Also, my goal for next semester is to actually go to the RPAC more than once a month.

“But out” Reflection

  • I want to start reading for pleasure again but I usually have a lot of homework.
  • My schedule is always really busy but I want to get back in shape.
  • I want to make new friends but I usually eat alone.
  • Animals are good at relieving my stress  but we can’t have them in the dorms.
  • I love playing soccer but I don’t have my ball on campus.


I want to start reading for pleasure again and I usually have a lot of homework, so I need to save some time before I go to bed to read.

My weekly schedule is always really busy and I want to get back in shape, so I am going to start managing my time better to give me time to exercise.

I want to make new friends and I usually eat alone, so I should start finding new people to sit with when I go to the dining hall.

Animals are good at relieving my stress and we can’t have them in the dorms, so I should volunteer to help train emotional-support dogs.

I love playing soccer and I don’t have my ball on campus, so I am going to try and join some pick up games at the fields by the Shoe.

Humans of OSU – What’s Your Story?



“I don’t really know who I am yet, but that’s okay. That’s what college is for. I’m passionate about sports and spending time with my friends, and being an advocate for drug abuse awareness/prevention. I have seen so many tragedies happen to my friends and their families, and it breaks my heart that something so horrible has to happen to good people. Maybe someday I’ll own a non-profit with the sole purpose of spreading my message. Right now, anything is possible. But I guess that is my story…or at least what I hope it to be. Oh, and I also love food.” – Anna H.

My First Week At OSU

My first week at OSU was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. After unloading my belongings into the red OWL carts and saying my goodbyes, I felt like a little kid getting dropped off at summer camp for the very first time. New people, new places, and a completely different atmosphere than what I was used to. I made the adjustment from living at home to living in a dorm easily – the only difficult part about the transformation was the lack of air conditioning in the building (If nothing else, this will be the thing that kills me.) The past week flew by but it feels as if I’ve already been here for a whole semester.  When is winter break, again?

The first couple days I had a little trouble making friends, only because I wasn’t making it a point to talk to whoever I sat by in each of my classes. I met plenty of people but the conversation never really went farther than ‘”Hi, my name is _____. Where are you from? What building do you live in?”‘. Making friends on the floor proved to be a lot easier than in class, and my roommate and I get along well, too. In the past week and a half, I have only eaten at traditions a total of 4 times… I can’t decide if it’s because I like Scott better than Kennedy, which is a 15 minute walk onto the opposite side of campus, or because the Marketplace at the Union is so much faster than waiting in line at Kennedy. Overall I found that no matter where I go, the options for making your own salad are pretty standard – this is good for someone like me, who doesn’t eat healthy unless it’s easy. I actually believe that I’m eating healthier whilst in college than I did living at home. Maybe because I’m not trying to rebel against my mother’s weird combinations of kale, quinoa, and chick peas, and instead just want to eat healthier so that I won’t catch the common cold three times in one semester. Some people describe college life as is a nice breath of fresh air compared to their daily life in high school. I feel as if going to college is a jump push off of a cliff into the unknown. Luckily, there is water at the bottom and it is up to our own discretion whether we sink or swim.

I think I’ll swim.


[ “G.O.A.L.S.” is a place where students write about how their planned, current, and future activities may fit into the Honors & Scholars G.O.A.L.S.: Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement. For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.

Global Awareness: Students cultivate and develop their appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences. For example, consider course work, study abroad, involvement in cultural organizations or activities, etc .
Original Inquiry: Honors & Scholars students understand the research process by engaging in experiences ranging from in-class scholarly endeavors to creative inquiry projects to independent experiences with top researchers across campus and in the global community. For example, consider research, creative productions or performances, advanced course work, etc.
Academic Enrichment: Honors & Scholars students pursue academic excellence through rigorous curricular experiences beyond the university norm both in and out of the classroom.
Leadership Development: Honors & Scholars students develop leadership skills that can be demonstrated in the classroom, in the community, in their co-curricular activities, and in their future roles in society.
Service Engagement: Honors & Scholars students commit to service to the community.]


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


[Artifacts are the items you consider to be representative of your academic interests and achievements. For each entry, include both an artifact and a detailed annotation.  An annotation is a reflective description of the artifact that attempts to communicate its significance.  For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]

About Me

Hey there! My name is Rebecca Kozel and I am working towards a BA in Psychology. I grew up on a farm in a small rural town in Ohio so living in Columbus was a big change for me freshman year. I am both excited and scared to begin my final year of college but I can’t wait to see where life takes me after graduation. Go Bucks!!!