Meet Hannah; My Mentee!

I got to meet with my new friend and mentee, Hannah, to get to know her. Hannah’s major is biochemistry, and she chose this because she enjoys science, specifically chemistry and biology so this gives her the best of both worlds. She thinks she wants to explore the option of med school. Hannah’s a super smart girl and dedicates a lot of her time to her studies. She likes to study in her dorm, and also in SEL on 18th, which is also my new study spot! Her hardest class so far is world history just because it’s a lot of information. As expected, she’s enjoying her science classes!

Hannah is pretty sure she wants to go to med school after graduation. Her dad is doctor, a family practitioner, and so she grew up seeing him work. Being a doctor would allow her to help people and give back to others, which she is passionate about. Being in a lab is also interesting to her, but Hannah likes to interact with people. Getting to see how kind and caring Hannah is, I know she will make a great doctor, just like her dad, if that’s what she decides to do!

This year, Hannah wants to join some new clubs, maybe the Women in Science and Math Club. Also, the Women’s outreach club has peaked Hannah’s interest. This is a unique club in which female students would go and teach science classes to kids in the Columbus Public School area. One thing that I think I’m going to love the most about Hannah is her passion for women in medicine. Both clubs she said she had an interest in involved supporting and uplifting women in science. I think this is super important, and something I also love as a female in the science field.  In high school, Hannah was in National Honors Society, and helped organized volunteering for their volunteer club. I love that Hannah spoke so highly about continuing to volunteer in college, as it’s something a lot of college put on the back burner.

Hannah chose to be in ACES because she enjoys community service and wanted to continue giving back to her community in college, like I mentioned previously. Hannah is looking forward to giving back to the community in Columbus, but thinks it will be challenging to balance ACES service hours and academics. However, I know that Hannah will do a great job finding how to balance her school work, extracurricular and enjoying time with friends. As for balancing all of her extracurricular, school always come first but with good planning and time management she hopes to get everything she wants to do in each week.

Finally, as Hannah prepared for this crazy new adventure in college, she was nervous about how many students are here on such a large campus, but has found it doesn’t feel so big after all. She accredits this to ACES making things feel smaller, living with other ACES and having built in friends. Also, a big part of this is due to her roommate who is a little more outgoing, and helps her adventure out a little more. They even got a fish together!

All in all, I feel super blessed to have the opportunity to mentor Hannah this year. She is a super sweet, kind, and very intelligent girl who is going to thrive here at Ohio State! I made sure to let Hannah know she can always reach out to me for advice and resources, and I hope her and I get to know each other very well throughout this year!

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