Sophomore Year in Review

My freshman year at The Ohio State University was all about testing the waters. When sophomore year came around, I was ready to dive in. This year, I took more major classes, like Biology 3401, and harder sciences, such as Organic Chemistry. While my course load was definitely heavier, I found that I didn’t mind because I was taking classes that interest me. This realization gave me the reassurance that I was on the right path. Some of my classes, such as Biology 3401 and Microbiology 3704, opened my eyes to health disparities across countries and populations, and sparked a new passion for public health. As such, I decided to pursue a minor in Public Health. Following this wave, I joined the club Doctors Without Borders, which aims to spread awareness about the issues faced by war-torn and developing countries. We led service projects and fundraising events to contribute to the Doctors Without Borders organization. I am also a member of Zeta Tau Alpha and serve on the program council, which gives me an opportunity to develop meaningful events and programs such as academic and professional development. As a member of Zeta Tau Alpha, I also participate in fundraising and local service projects to support our philanthropy, Breast Cancer Education and Awareness. Unfortunately, the year was cut short due to the coronavirus. The transition to online classes was difficult, but it gave me an opportunity to take control of my education, thus strengthening my level of responsibility that will surely benefit me in my future endeavors. I had planned on participating in research at the Cleveland Clinic over the summer, but it was cancelled due to the pandemic. Looking toward the future, I aim to get a research position at OSU or the Cleveland Clinic, as well as study abroad.

Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


G.O.A.L.S.: Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement.

Global Awareness: I plan to complete a study abroad experience while I am at Ohio State. I am taking “History of Microbiology” next semester, and there is a study abroad opportunity that complements this course called “HIV in Context: Tanzania”. I think this would be an excellent opportunity to enrich my in class learning with real world experience. I have previously traveled to Costa Rica with a student travel group, and I look forward to opportunities to travel somewhere new.

Original Inquiry: I hope to become involved in research in my time at Ohio State. I would like to start by assisting faculty on their research, and eventually conducting research of my own.

Academic Enrichment: My selection of coursework demonstrates my commitment to rigorous curricular experiences, as I have selected most honors classes for my GE requirements. Also, I chose a biology major because I was interested in the subject and knew the coursework would challenge me. I also look to pursue a minor in public health or Spanish to expose me to more diversity and indulge my passion for traveling.

Leadership Development: While I do not formally occupy any leadership positions, I demonstrate leadership in the classroom by contributing to discussions and collaborating with my peers. In my four years at Ohio State, I hope to occupy more official leadership roles in clubs and activities.

Service Engagement: I plan to volunteer at a hospital, such as the Wexner Medical Center, during my time at Ohio State. Not only would I be giving back to community, but it would also allow me to enhance my academic coursework with real life experience.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


[Artifacts are the items you consider to be representative of your academic interests and achievements. For each entry, include both an artifact and a detailed annotation.  An annotation includes both a description of the artifact and a reflection on why it is important to you, what you learned, and what it means for your next steps.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]

About Me

[Your “About Me” is a brief biographical statement that might include your intended major, your academic interests, your goals, as well as the things that make you unique.  Definitely include a picture! Also, remember that you can always update this post at any point. For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]