The Ohio State University: College of Arts and Sciences

Research Experience

Research Assistant [Jul. 2018 - Aug. 2018] 
Center for Economic Development, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
  •  Cleaned over 500 unstructured responses from the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium survey
  •  Visualized the survey findings by using bar graphs and box plots to find patterns and outliers
  • Compared visitor and local spending to find how Pittsburgh Zoo contributes to a local community
  • Contributed to survey analysis and data visualizations for the report Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium Economic and Community Benefits
Researcher and Contributing Writer [Aug. 2017 - Sep. 2018]
Arts Management and Technology Lab, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
  • Drafted and published 6 posts on data visualization and arts education technologies
  • Researched and published white paper Open Data and Data Visualization in Arts Organizations
  • Wrote a critical review about a virtual reality app used in arts nonprofits, read by lab constituents
Advisory Board Coordinator and Survey Designer
  • Led the team to design a survey sent to hundreds of arts nonprofits on national trends
    of digital fundraising, which contributed the data for the over 200-page final report
  • Conducted interviews about CRM systems with fundraising professionals in arts nonprofits
  • Designed slides and poster that summarized key findings and presented conclusion to the public
  • Contributed the report Digital Opportunities: A Study of Emerging Digital Fundraising Practices in the Arts
Intern in Research, Policy, and Advocacy [Aug. 2017 - May 2018]
Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council Pittsburgh, PA
  • Analyzed the regional survey used in Racial Equity & Arts Funding in Greater Pittsburgh
  • Created one-pagers to show the economic impacts of local arts organizations and share the values
    of their contributions with the public
  • Explored ways to measure and visualize the success of arts organizations to create a readable report
  • Assisted the research team to complete the National Endowments of Art grant application