The Ohio State University: College of Arts and Sciences

Consent Form

Consent Form

New Governance and Citizen Participation in
Creative Placemaking: A Comparative Case Study of
Short North Arts District and Franklinton Arts District

Protocol Number: 2023E0341
Principal Investigator: Dr. Shoshanah Goldberg-Miller
Co-Investigator: Gilhyun (Gillian) Kim
Research Institution: The Ohio State University

Informed Consent Form
This is a consent form for your research participation. It contains important information about the study and what to expect if you decide to participate. Your participation is voluntary. Please consider the below information carefully. If you have any questions regarding your participation, you can use the Contact Me form at the sidebar or send me an email to to ask your questions.

A current resident over the age of 18 living near Short North Arts District or Franklinton Arts District or working in business sectors in one of the arts districts above is invited to participate. We are looking for individuals who can contribute to the development of these two arts districts.

Research Procedure
You will participate in a one-to-one interview with the co-investigator. The semi-structured interview is designed to ask open-ended questions in a casual atmosphere and encourage two-way communication. Interviewees can ask questions to the interviewer at any time for their clarification. The interview will take approximately 40 to 60 minutes.

This study uses snowball sampling to recruit the interviewees. Interview participants may forward this research website or research recruitment information email to potential interviewees in their professional network. When the potential interviewees complete the online consent form, the co-investigator will contact the potential interviewees via email that has been provided on their consent form.

Minimal risks will be anticipated in this study as a result of sharing personal experiences in the decision-making process of the arts district in the interview. However, you may decide to stop at any time, and you will not face any consequences. If you experience any discomfort in participating in this study, you may terminate your participation. If you have decided that you would not want to have your results included in this study, you may inform the researcher and your results will be excluded.

There will not be any direct benefit to you in participating in this study. However, you will help researchers to learn more about the governance of creative placemaking and administrators to improve their citizen participation strategies to co-create arts districts with local communities.

The data in this study will be kept confidential. Your interview notes and records will be kept on password-protected computers of Dr. Goldberg-Miller and Gillian Kim at The Ohio State University. Only research team members will have access to them. We will ensure that no one access to your responses without permission.

However, because we are using the Internet, there is a chance that someone could access your online responses without permission. In some cases, this information could be used to identify you.

While it is understood that no computer transmission can be perfectly secured, reasonable efforts will be made to protect the confidentiality of your transmission. The information that has been requested on this website will be securely saved by login credentials and a two-step authentication process.

The coded data could be used for future research without additional consent from participants.

For any inquiries of this particular study, please feel free to contact the research via the email address as stated below:

Researcher’s Supervisor: Shoshanah Goldberg-Miller –
Researcher: Gillian Kim –

This study has been determined exempt from IRB review. For questions about your rights as a participant in this study or to discuss other study-related concerns or complaints with someone who is not part of the research team, you may contact the Office of Responsible Research Practices at 1-800-678-6251 or

I confirm that I am eligible to participate in this research study. This means I am an adult over the age of 18, who lives near Short North Arts District or Franklinton Arts District or works in business sectors in one of these arts districts.
I agree that the interview will be electronically recorded for the research purpose.
I give consent for the interview contents I share with this research project to be used in findings as part of dissertation data/reference materials, and republished in subsequent publications.
Your identity will remain coded in this study and any publication associated with the study unless you elect to have your identity declared. Your identifiable information includes your name, title, and organization. How do you wish to be represented in this study?

Please share your business contact information for researchers to confirm your participation and schedule your interview date.

I have read (or someone has read to me) this consent form and I am aware that I am being asked to participate in a research study. I have had all my questions answered to my satisfaction, and I voluntarily agree to participate in this study.

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