I took away multiple things from the Eportfolio projects done by the second years in PSL. The projects I visited were about the opioid crisis in Ohio, the importance of changing energy sources to solar power, and the impact of climate change on two different species. These advocacy projects not only shed light on important issues in society, but they went in depth to point out the significance of why these issues still need to be discussed in today’s world. Regarding inspiration, these projects have allowed me to look over the issues discussed, and brainstorm what issue I might want to discuss next year. Furthermore, these advocacy projects have provided me with different ideas regarding how I wanted to present my project next year (ie. Pamphelt, poster, etc. Style format). The advocacy projects have also shown me how when I complete advocacy project next year, I should really focus on the important details that are crucial to my audience understanding the significance of the issue I am advocating. After visiting these advocacy projects, I have multiple ideas for my advocacy project next year. These ideas include the opioid crisis specifically in Dayton, Ohio, climate change in oceanic ecosystems, gun regulations and its effect on the public, and the significance of renewable energy in the future.