
The meaning of the word “goals” varies depending on who you ask, for me it means;

G= Global Awareness. I plan on gaining a sense of global awareness by studying abroad. I am currently working towards my Spanish minor, which may turn into a second major, and I hope to take Spanish classes abroad. Hopefully I will get the chance to study abroad in Chile, Argentina, or Spain.

O= Original Inquiry. I plan on doing undergraduate research during my second or third year. I am waiting to apply to a position that interests me. I believe that research would be a great way for me to gain experience working in a scientific environment and that it would be a great way for me to apply what I am learning at OSU.

A= Academic Enrichment. I am a Biochemistry major with a minor in Spanish. So far in my academic en-devours, I have made great progress in my ability to express my thoughts in Spanish and in scientific writing. I enjoy learning new scientific and cultural concepts and plan on continuing the learning process for years to come.

L= Leadership Development. I plan on getting involved in organizations and clubs that are meaningful to me. Once I find what interests me I will pursue a leadership position within them. It is important to have a leadership position because you exercise the ability to work with others and can make a large difference in whatever you do. I recently joined the pre-optometry club and the Eyes on Health organization.

S= Service Engagement. I have been actively participating in many service opportunities in the Columbus area.  I have raised money for various organizations such as the American Heart Association and Steps for Sarcoma. I have also planted trees along the Olentangy river. I have baked food for a food pantry and participated in multiple walks/runs for awareness of many issues. I really enjoy being able to give back and support others. It feels good to take the time to help those who need it the most. I have also volunteered at two different food pantries multiple times. I also volunteered at Wesley Glen a couple times and I am considering becoming a STNA so that I can help out more at nursing homes and hospital in the Columbus area while taking my classes at OSU.

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