
The meaning of the word “goals” varies depending on who you ask, for me it means;

G= Global Awareness. I plan on gaining a sense of global awareness by studying abroad. I am currently working towards my Spanish minor, which may turn into a second major, and I hope to take Spanish classes abroad. Hopefully I will get the chance to study abroad in Chile, Argentina, or Spain.

O= Original Inquiry. I plan on doing undergraduate research during my second or third year. I am waiting to apply to a position that interests me. I believe that research would be a great way for me to gain experience working in a scientific environment and that it would be a great way for me to apply what I am learning at OSU.

A= Academic Enrichment. I am a Biochemistry major with a minor in Spanish. So far in my academic en-devours, I have made great progress in my ability to express my thoughts in Spanish and in scientific writing. I enjoy learning new scientific and cultural concepts and plan on continuing the learning process for years to come.

L= Leadership Development. I plan on getting involved in organizations and clubs that are meaningful to me. Once I find what interests me I will pursue a leadership position within them. It is important to have a leadership position because you exercise the ability to work with others and can make a large difference in whatever you do. I recently joined the pre-optometry club and the Eyes on Health organization.

S= Service Engagement. I have been actively participating in many service opportunities in the Columbus area.  I have raised money for various organizations such as the American Heart Association and Steps for Sarcoma. I have also planted trees along the Olentangy river. I have baked food for a food pantry and participated in multiple walks/runs for awareness of many issues. I really enjoy being able to give back and support others. It feels good to take the time to help those who need it the most. I have also volunteered at two different food pantries multiple times. I also volunteered at Wesley Glen a couple times and I am considering becoming a STNA so that I can help out more at nursing homes and hospital in the Columbus area while taking my classes at OSU.

My G.O.A.L.S.

G– Global Awareness        Global awareness means to have an international focus; studying, researching, or interning abroad; or volunteering, working, or participating in student organizations abroad. From this, students should gain appreciation for diversity. I plan on achieving this goal through studying abroad and possibly through doing service work in other countries.

O– Original Inquiry           Students should be involved in research and creativy projects to gain an understanding of the research process. This can be across campus or global. I plan on achieving this goal by participating in research either my second semester of my first year or my second year at OSU.

AAcademic Enrichment        Students should pursue academically rigorous endeavors above the OSU norm. Then apply what they have learned to their future careers. I plan on achieving this goal by taking rigorous classes to be competitive when applying to medical school. I will use what I learn throughout my years of education to be a good doctor.

L- Leadership development      Students should develop solid leadership skills in the classroom, community, and a variety of activities. Students should recognize their skills and choose positions that would be best for them. I plan on achieving this goal in multiple ways. I plan on being the leader of an intramural basketball team. I also plan on being a leader in the classroom and I would like to pursue a leadership position in a club that is important to me.


S- Service Engagement            Students should recognize their interests and seek out volunteer opportunities in such areas of interest. Students should want to serve their community and society.  Another important aspect to this is that students can reflect on what they have experienced and realize what they have learned or gained from giving back. I plan on achieving this goal by participating in plenty of volunteering programs and opportunities. I have an interest in the medical field, so most of my service should be targeted in that field.