My Little World

For week 3 of our digital art class, we created what are called “tiny worlds”. You take a panoramic image and essentially fold it onto itself with the help of our lovely Adobe program. Once you do that and recreate the pieces of the sky that doesn’t stretch to the corners, your superimpose yourself into that image in a dimension where it seems like you’re standing on top of your world.

A part of our project is to describe what our world entails with some questions:


How do you relate to your space? Are you connected/disconnected to your space?

I relate to my space as follows — Home: I am mother, significant other and friend. Work: I am employee, manager and, also, friend. School: I am a student, classmate, teammate and, you guessed it, Friend!

I don’t feel I am ever really disconnected from my spaces. With technology as prevalent as it is, it is always possible to stay connected to the people that are in your “world”.

Is location limited to geography?

I mostly answered this in my previous response. Technology allows us to always be mobile. We can be there for a friends thousands of miles away. I can connect with my eldest daughter even though she is hundreds of miles away. I can fix an issue at work without having to drive back at 10:30pm when I had just left.


For my tiny world, I took a panorama of the yard at my work: UPS. I also superimposed my youngest daughter and I into that world. I was unable to insert anything from the Equestrian team (I could have worn a shirt, but didn’t think about that at the time). When I’m not at work or school, I am with my daughter — That is my world.


Screenshot of Workspace

My Completed Tiny World

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