Tattoo Lady with new Hair and Eyes

New Version

In order to change the color of her eyes I found a video online after a Google search. I selected her eyes using the elliptical marquee, feathered the selection, then added a black and white adjustment layer, then selected the green filter preset. Once that was finished, I adjusted the layer mask to touch up the edges around the eyes. I then added a solid color adjustment layer, then created a clipping mask, blend mode changed to “Color” in order to only change the color of the eyes versus the entire selection. Finally, I added a curves adjustment layer to “increase the contrast on the eyes”.

For the hair, I followed along (mostly) with a video by Photoshopcafe on Youtube where I created a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. This wasn’t working super well because of how sketchy my edges were in the hair trim-around and her drastically multicolored hair. Once I changed most of her hair to a blue hue, I used a low opacity brush on the mask in order to clean up the harsh lines.


Tutorial for eyes:

Tutorial for hair:

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