About Me: Buckeyes Blog

As a Strategic Communication major, I love to write. This year I have enjoyed writing for Buckeyes Blog, which Ohio State University marketing department uses to recruit undergraduate students. This is my bio as it appears on Buckeyes Blog.

Hi, I’m Eleanor! My favorite things include working out, listening to alternative music, and hammocking outdoors. I am a self-proclaimed soft-serve ice cream connoisseur, and I have a minor addiction to Nike and Lululemon. Tacos are my favorite food. I’m a morning person, and I love writing, organizing, and making lists. I’m a follower of Jesus, and I love my friends and family to pieces. If I could be any vegetable I would be a sweet potato (but kale would be a close second).

Check out my recent posts!

About Me

I’m a first year student studying Communication in the College of Arts and Sciences. I plan to major in Strategic Communications and minor in Professional Writing and Social Psychology & Personality. My strengths as a student are being motivated and organized. As a member of Media, Marketing, and Communications Scholars, I hope this will prepare me for my future career. I look forward to studying abroad, interning, and possibly participating in research.