
Welcome to My Professional Portfolio

osu blog profile

Hello, and welcome to my professional portfolio. I am currently an undergraduate at the Ohio State University working towards a dual degree in the fields of Biological Engineering and Zoology. After my undergraduate career, I plan to apply to veterinary school to pursue a career in wildlife veterinary medicine.

Engineering is important to me because I share the mindset of what engineering is all about. Engineering is about finding unique solutions to real-world problems. I have always enjoyed problem solving and coming up with ideas of how to fix an issue. Engineering is about thinking outside the box and taking everything you know and combining it into an answer to whatever problem is being asked.

As an undergraduate I have maintained a high GPA and applied myself to my field of interest. I have studied in Costa Rica at a Sea Turtle nature reserve learning ecology and the preservation efforts of the leatherback sea turtle while assisting with poacher prevention. I spent a semester doing research on bone histomorphometry at the Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center and wrote an article on the most accurate way to collect histomorphometric data. I spent five weeks in South Africa one summer interning at a wildlife rehabilitation center where I learned how to work with many native species of Africa as well as large game. I am currently spending my free time volunteering at Fifth and Kenny Animal Hospital and the Ohio Wildlife center hospital.

I have acquired a large amount of veterinary and animal experience as well as worked with many species of both exotic and domestic animals. I have become comfortable with the excitement of large game capture and have learned how to work well in a team. As such, I believe I have demonstrated my abilities to excel in veterinary education.