Module 6 Blog Post

The most useful thing I learned in this module is how to search and research a research topic and how to choose an informative resource. The thing I have already put into practice is pre-search. I usually do a lot of researching for evidence to support my answer. I try many keywords or phrases to search.

In the future, I will pay more attention on resource’s credibility, quality and utility. I hardly focus on credibility before I learned form this module. Now I notice the importance of credibility. Besides, I used Wikipedia as a reference in my papers. Now I realized it is unavailable. I should use primary and secondary sources like articles and books.

There are some suggestions for college students who need to write an academic research paper. To write an academic research paper, we need to understand the purpose of research questions, and then narrow a Topic. We need to do a lot of background reading and propose some regular and research questions. And then explore the influence of a research question. I would advise students get to know the method of “search” and “research” and the strategies of judging your resource’s credibility, quality and utility. Great resource is helpful for you to create a perfect research paper.

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