Letter to Stephanie

Hello Stephanie,

There are many different things that define art for me. Because of this, I have had a hard time deciding my major. I am from a small town in Ohio, so in my very small high school, there were not many opportunities to explore art and creativity. Attending Ohio State has completely changed my perspective on art, and I have noticed I have thrived in opportunities where I could be creative. I explored the architecture major, but after the first semester of hard classes, I did not have the GPA. I do not regret pursuing architecture, however, because I was able to create different buildings and landscapes that were far more interesting than I would have thought. Because of this newly discovered creative side of me, I decided to explore other majors that encourage creativity. Being interested in fashion and retail studies, digital art was a recommended course that seemed interesting to me.

Since this class is a service learning class, I hope to gain some inspiration from helping kids with art. I like working with kids because they tend to put things into perspective for me. I also hope it is going to feel rewarding to help these kids with art. I think it is important to encourage a child’s creativity so they are able to come up with new ideas to eventually contribute to society somehow. As for the course itself, I hope to further define art for myself. If I am able to do well in this course then I will keep going in the direction I am currently going. However, if I end up struggling or not liking this class so much, I hope to leave with a somewhat decent portfolio and new ideas to what I should pursue.

I am mainly concerned about what programs we are going to use or if I am going to be able to keep up with the different ways we make digital art. I am also concerned about the kids but that is just because they can be unpredictable. Some smaller concerns I have are if I will be able to have good enough ideas to create great projects that I will be proud of.

I am excited to see how this course goes for me.


Jenna Hagan