
My G.O.A.L.S


  • Global Diversity
    • I would like to take an engineering service course that travels abroad and helps a community solve a problem through working with community members. I have also thought about joining the peace corps after graduation or someday in the future.
  • Original Inquiry
    • I would like to take a course within chemical engineering that promotes individual research with the instruction of a faculty member.
  • Academic Enrichment
    • All my courses are preparing me to be an engineer in the future. I would like to work for a pharmaceutical company after graduation and there are courses I can take at Ohio State to prepare me for that.
  • Leadership Development
    • I am a member of SWE which allows me to interact with other women in engineering and there are many events for professional development. I also am a member of the WOW Program where I volunteer at elementary schools in Columbus. We complete science projects with the kids to improve their knowledge on many subjects covered in their state tests. Through leading these science activities I gain leadership experience.
  • Service Engagement
    • As stated previously, I am a member of the WOW Program where I gain volunteer experience. This allows me to engage with the children in the Columbus community. It has shown me how important it is to me to encourage other young girls to be interested in STEM fields!



For Humanitarian Engineering Scholars:

On Saturday, October 20th, my HES peer group went to Katalina’s for breakfast. We took a bus down to the Short North and walked the rest of the way. When we arrived, we were shocked to see how crowded the place was; fortunately, the lined moved quick and we were able to find a table. My favorite part about the trip was the tables! They had markers and you could draw directly on the table! I also really enjoyed the pancake balls we all split. They were literally balls made of pancake and filled with Nutella. If I were to go back, I would make sure to go at a time when they are less busy. From this, I learned that I should definitely try out new food places around Columbus. I would definitely recommend this place to a friend! I had a really good time and the food was worth the wait!


On Tuesday, November 27th, my roommates and I went to Kafé Kerouac. It was a short walk from Drackett Tower and we stayed for lunch. I ordered a James Joyce coffee and zuchinni walnut bread. The food and coffee were very good but the coffee was very hot and burnt my tongue! My favorite pat about the experience was spending some quality time with my roommates in a setting other than our room. My least favorite part of the experience was the walk there—it was so cold outside. I learned that there are places off campus to get cheap coffee (compared to Starbucks) and study. The cafe had light chatter and was very homey. My roommates and I talked about definitely coming back to study sometime! I would also recommend this place to a friend who loves coffee. Overall, my experience at Kafé Kerouac was great and I’ll definitely be coming back for more coffee!