Album Cover

For this project I chose the center of my piece to be the the experimental hip-hop group Death Grips. I made an album cover for them. Something I had not thought about was the very minimal approach Death Grips uses in their art. Believe it or not this project took me a bit of time regardless of how minimalist it seems. I took a giant white head from the creepy “children cartoon” Courage The Cowardly Dog. I put the head in the background and made it a 3-D object with shadow effects and rotated it so it is looking down at you compared to its previous orientation. I cropped an action shot of the singer and placed that around the head as to frame it in a way. I was having trouble finding pictures of the other members so I tossed a piece of their cover art in the other bottom corner. I manipulated a bunch of microphones to create the name of the band. I made the background purple because I like how the white head looked against it and the purple gives the piece an eerie vibe. Check out some Death Grips.death-grips-2

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