Comic Post

I made a comic of Kyle the kangaroo dreaming of a giant Trump monster terrorizing his city. Kyle swoops in and fights Trump; finally defeating him. Kyle awakens victorious and proud. I enjoyed drawing in photoshop with the paint brush. I tried to size things accordingly to demonstrate different viewpoints. The part I am most proud of would have to be hiding the Trump monster behind some buildings and not others to give the piece depth. I accidentally merged a couple layers before noticing that I put a shape over the dead Trump monster’s face. I was unable to fix the issue without going really far back because the action was no longer on the history bar. Sorry for the late post and lack of quality. comic

Album Cover

For this project I chose the center of my piece to be the the experimental hip-hop group Death Grips. I made an album cover for them. Something I had not thought about was the very minimal approach Death Grips uses in their art. Believe it or not this project took me a bit of time regardless of how minimalist it seems. I took a giant white head from the creepy “children cartoon” Courage The Cowardly Dog. I put the head in the background and made it a 3-D object with shadow effects and rotated it so it is looking down at you compared to its previous orientation. I cropped an action shot of the singer and placed that around the head as to frame it in a way. I was having trouble finding pictures of the other members so I tossed a piece of their cover art in the other bottom corner. I manipulated a bunch of microphones to create the name of the band. I made the background purple because I like how the white head looked against it and the purple gives the piece an eerie vibe. Check out some Death Grips.death-grips-2