6-B Promotional Package – Individual
6-C Promotional Package – Team
Purpose: To advertise a program or event, or to alert the reader to an important current issue. Pieces should create awareness and call for action.
For Promotional Flyer Submit: Flyer as distributed in pdf format. Indicate audience and number distributed. Current Extension branding is required.
For Promotional Package Submit: Two or more pieces such as video, brochure, poster, bookmark, display (submit photo or slide of the display), tabloid, or any other combination of promotional pieces. Abstract must include cost of production and source of funding. Promotional package pieces are not limited to those in above categories. Submit any photos of the package or components of the package in jpeg format. Submit any supporting materials available in pdf format.
Judging Criteria:
Promotional packages will be evaluated by judging each piece on the criteria appropriate for that item if submitted individually. If proper Extension branding is not followed, up to 25% will be deducted from the point total. The score will then be given a percentage weight depending on how many items the package includes, so that the total of all the pieces will be 65% of the score, 25% will be for the general information included with the submission (abstract-5%, audience targeted-5%, goals for entry-5%, need being addressed-5%, and evaluation results-5%) the remaining 10% will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Overall impact and effectiveness: Do all of the items in the package work to tell the story or promote the program?
- Content: Does the cover or heading identify its purpose? Are the 5 W’s (who, what, when, why, where) included?
- Appearance: Does the flyer look interesting? Are photos and artwork pertinent to the text? Are they of good quality? Is the total layout effective?
- Readability: Is the font readable? Is the text clear and direct? Does the flyer contain correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure?
Note: If proper Extension branding is not followed, up to 25% will be deducted from the point total.