Month: August 2018
Letter to Stephanie
Hello Stephanie,
My name is Jake Peters and I am in your Art Education 2520S class. I am a junior here at OSU and I spent my first year and a half at the Lima campus to help save money. I am majoring in Sports Industry but I was originally an Electrical Engineering major so I have former knowledge on various computer programs and I have used the blog service before for a group project I was part of my freshman year. I don’t have much of an artistic background or experience outside doodling and taking one art class in high school and an animation class but the animations were 3D on a program called Maya and I didn’t see anything about this program in the syllabus. I hope to gain experience in graphic design and hopefully earn a good grade to keep a good GPA since this class fits the elective requirements for my major. My greatest concerns are how I will be able to relay what I know about art to the kids we work with since I’ve never tried to teach art but I’ve been with kids in school before for high school projects and community service so I’m not too worried about how it will go and am confident in myself. Art is important in finding a kid’s creativeness and what he or she likes so I look forward to the experience and to how the semester will go with you as well.
Jake Peters
Hello world!
Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!