Midterm Project

This is the image I decided to make and share how I completed it through my tutorial. I chose LeBron James to be the focal point of my image and his recent transition to Los Angeles as my inspiration. I have always looked up to LeBron James since I was a little kid and I can relate to his change to a city and fan base he isn’t familiar with by my change from a small school with a graduating class of 150 to the very different atmosphere of Ohio State. I also wanted to emphasize in my image that I created that even though LeBron’s atmosphere is a lot different, he is still himself, The King. I also strive to be myself even though my surroundings have changed a lot since moving to Ohio State. I think staying true to oneself is very important and I think everyone should do this. I also wanted to pay tribute to LeBron in my image, as well as reflect myself through it, so I took what we learned in the very beginning of the class and included the image of the Milky Way galaxy. I included this because I wanted to show LeBron is not only the king, but the king of the whole basketball galaxy which he will show in the upcoming Space Jam movie he stars in. That is the reasoning and inspiration for the image I created.

Tutorial: https://u.osu.edu/jakepetersart/midterm-image-and-tutorial/

AB Graham Face Swap

For my second face swap assignment I chose to swap my face with AB Graham, the creator of 4H and the person responsible for bringing the schools of my school district together to make one unified school named Graham Local Schools. As a graduate of Graham high school which was named after this man and a past participant in 4H, I have learned a lot about AB Graham over the years. AB Graham was from the area I grew up in and was a very important man in our community and across the country. 4H is now in every state in the US and gives children all across the country the chance to raise animals and compete with them against their peers and teaches the values of hard work and dedication along the way. Many important people in our state and country have participated in 4H and without AB Graham, none of that would have been possible. I chose AB Graham because of these achievements and his importance in the area I am from. While attending Graham I saw his portrait in our hallway every day walking between classes so I am very familiar with how he looks and I always thought it was cool what he had done in his life. Since I was a part of 4H from 3rd grade to senior year and since I knew how big 4H was in our country I always looked up to him and imagined how cool it would’ve been to be in his shoes so that is why I chose to put my face on his.

The first tool I used was the lasso tool to select my face so I could copy and paste it over AB Graham’s. Next, I used the transform tool to position my face correctly over his. I then used the modify and contract tools to be able to blend our faces and then deleted the selection on the background layer so my face could take its place. Finally, I auto-blended my face and the background layer and it created a perfect blend and face swap.

Tutorial: https://clippingpathindia.com/blogs/tips/photoshop-image-swap-blend-technique-10-easy-steps

Letter to Stephanie

Hello Stephanie,

My name is Jake Peters and I am in your Art Education 2520S class. I am a junior here at OSU and I spent my first year and a half at the Lima campus to help save money. I am majoring in Sports Industry but I was originally an Electrical Engineering major so I have former knowledge on various computer programs and I have used the u.osu.edu blog service before for a group project I was part of my freshman year. I don’t have much of an artistic background or experience outside doodling and taking one art class in high school and an animation class but the animations were 3D on a program called Maya and I didn’t see anything about this program in the syllabus. I hope to gain experience in graphic design and hopefully earn a good grade to keep a good GPA since this class fits the elective requirements for my major. My greatest concerns are how I will be able to relay what I know about art to the kids we work with since I’ve never tried to teach art but I’ve been with kids in school before for high school projects and community service so I’m not too worried about how it will go and am confident in myself. Art is important in finding a kid’s creativeness and what he or she likes so I look forward to the experience and to how the semester will go with you as well.


Jake Peters