Have ideas for the next meeting agenda?

We didn’t get to see many of you at this months planning meeting, but we’d still like to hear from you! If you have suggestions for the July meeting agenda let us know in the comments. Here’s what we have so far for topics:

  1. Financial System Update
  2. ComDoc update
  3. IT Strategic Direction
  4. SMS Password Reset
  5. Update on 3rd party risk asessments

Is it time to establish some guiding principles?

The planning group wants to get some feedback on creating some guiding principles. We have drafted the following and would like to hear what you think.

What We Do:

  1. Share information
  2. Facilitate IT collaboration by creating communication channels
  3. Foster a broad technology focus
  4. Create recommendations to, or provide leadership for, the campus?
  5. Answer questions for the larger community?
  6. Demonstrate technologies that can serve as the foundation for larger adoption?
  7. Make a commitment to IT strategy across the University

How We Operate:

  1. Open organization
  2. Independent Council powered by volunteers
  3. Seek representation from everyone

Feel free to leave some feedback in the comments.

Next Meeting is 7/21/16

The next meeting of ITPC will be held on 7/21/16 In Thompson Library Room 165. We had a small turnout at the planning meeting on 6/29, so if you have any topics you’d like to see at the meeting please feel free to let us know in the comments.

Thank you, and see you on the 21st