Interfaith, Prayer, Reflection, Meditation and Quiet Rooms
- Interfaith Prayer and Reflection Room, 3020C Ohio Union (contains two ablution rooms)
- Meditation and Reflection Room, 191 Arps Hall (beside the health screening room)
- Meditation and Reflection Room, 291 Campbell Hall
- Quiet Room, A225 PAES Building
- Wellness Room, 57 Thompson Hall
- Interfaith Prayer Room, 246 Atwell Hall
- Wellness Room, 050 and 060 Eighteenth Avenue Library
- Meditation Room, 008 Meiling Hall (medical students only)
- Quiet Room, 251 Electro Science Laboratory
- Quiet Room, 178 Knowlton Hall
- Quiet Room, 223D Gerlach Hall
Rooms on regional campuses
- Meditation and Reflection Room, 132 Morrill Hall, Marion Campus
- Meditation Room, 209 John and Christine Warner Library and Student Center, Newark Campus