Faculty, Staff & Student Training Tip #2

Sending a task in Compulink to a group (Billing, Medical Records, etc.) is the preferred method to send to a task so that it can be read, prioritized, and addressed quickly by the first available person in the group. Sending a task to a group has never been easier! Follow these quick tips and you will be sending to groups in a breeze.

  • As always enter the following information in the task:
    • “Task” title
    • “Notes” associated with the task
    • “Status”
  • Select the drop down for “Group” and choose the staff area you would like to send to (i.e. patient services)
  • Remove your name from “Responsible” by highlighting the name and pushing the BACKSPACE button on the keyboard
    • This step allows you to send it to the group instead of a particular person
    • If you would like to send it to that group to a particular person, then you would select “group” first and then choose the name of the person from the “responsible” and then remove the “group” so it only sends to that person.

Screenshot of the Compulink Task screen. 'Task' is the first field showing at the top containing an example entry of 'Schedule Patient.' The next row shows information on 'when' and 'by' and has a fillable field for 'Resolved.' The next row after that is a text field called 'notes' that allows for multiple lines of text. It contains an example entry of 'This is an example of how you can send a task to a group.' The next row contains a dropdown field for 'status,' a check box for priority, a dropdown for 'Responsible' and selectable date field for 'follow-up.' The last row has a selectable date field for 'due,' a dropdown for 'group,' and a dropdown for 'Dept. Group.'

Do you have a pro tip that you want to share? Email Ashley Hill at hill.2150@osu.edu and share your tip! Maybe your tip will be featured in our next newsletter!

Faculty Training Tip

eRouting tip: We always recommend editing a patient chart during patient care to ensure your name appears on the patient record. This allows the patient to appear on your missing signatures report to grant you the opportunity to sign off on the patient record within the three business day requirement. However, we know sometimes in the hustle of clinic it can be challenging to edit a chart prior to checkout. In these moments, you can still complete the eRouting tab without logging into Compulink by editing the eRouting attestation ID to your D# in Compulink instead of the student’s Compulink ID. This allows you to complete the eRouting for checkout and allow the staff the ability to post charges.

Staff Training Tip

VT Inventory Posting

  • With the new VT inventory process described above, there will be some changes to posting VT materials to the ledger. There will now be two separate categories: special order items and stock inventory. How you post either of these is critical for inventory tracking.
    • Special Order Inventory: These items will be posted from the materials table NOT by SKU or barcode. They will then be ordered and shipped to the patient by Katie Snider or Freda Dallas.
    • Stock Inventory: These items will be posted by SKU or barcode to the patient ledger. This allows the item to be automatically deducted from our inventory to provide accurate inventory reporting for ordering purposes.
  • Stay tuned – training will be provided to impacted staff regarding posting materials for special orders and in-stock inventory, as well as how to post exchanges of VT inventory.

Do you have a pro tip that you want to share? Email Ashley Hill at hill.2150@osu.edu and share your tip! Maybe your tip will be featured in our next newsletter!


Faculty Training Tip

Have you ever discovered that you forgot to add a CPT code to the eRouting tab after you dismiss your patient? Or you change the #1 diagnosis linked to your service fees when you are signing off on charts at the end of the day? Ever wonder what to do when this happens? Here’s the answer. First, check the patient’s ledger to see if any charges have been posted for the patient yet. If not, simply make the necessary additions or edits to the eRouting tab, click save, and your changes will automatically be updated. However, if fees have already been posted on the ledger, in addition to updating the eRouting tab, you must also send a task to the billing department for the proper corrections to be made before a claim is filed or a statement is sent.

Staff Training Tip #

Here are the steps to post a responsible payment in Compulink:

  • Click Credit, then click Responsible.
  • The Credit Line Item Posting window opens with the full responsible balance in the Enter Amount field.
  • Enter the Amount you are posting today, then click OK.
  • Double click to select the first charge you are applying the payment to.
  • Enter the Credit amount to be applied to this charge. Tab through the fields to properly update the line item Balance, and then click the Apply button to distribute the credit.
  • Repeat this process for additional charges.
    • Once the payment is fully distributed, you will click Yes to confirm distribution of the payment.
    • Enter the Payment Method.
      • Desc – Use the drop-down arrow to select a Description from your list of payment types [Cash, Check, Credit Card].
      • ID/CC – further identifies the payment. When entering a Check payment, the last name from the check (patient last name will automatically populate), enter a space then check number, enter a space and your three-digit Compulink ID. Example: Smith 12345 P99.
  • The Responsible Balance is updated.

Staff Training Tip #2

Did you know when you are scheduling multiple appointments for a patient that you can use the “multiple” function in the appointment scheduler to book multiple appointments on the same day and time for multiple weeks? This function helps to reduce the amount of time spent looking through the schedule for appointments and makes it quicker for the patient. To use this function follow these quick steps:

  1. From the appointment scheduler, schedule the initial appointment for the patient.
  2. Once you schedule the initial appointment, click on the appointment from the scheduler and the “multiple” icon will show in white font instead of being grayed out. Click the icon, “multiple.”
  3. Once you select multiple, the “book multiple appointments” pop up will appear.
  4. Keep all the settings as selected and select “find.” Please note: If the appointment time does not matter for the patient and you are only looking at a specific day, you can de-select “specific time” and it will show all appointments for that day in the upcoming weeks.
  5. Once it loads, you will see a list of appointment times available on the same day of the week and time the initial appointment was scheduled (unless you do not select “specific time” then it will show all appointment times).
  6. To choose the appointments, check all the boxes of the appointments you would like to schedule and click “book selected.”
  7. Once you do so, it will book the appointments you chose. Please note: This only will show the day and times you chose. Therefore, if there are weeks in between missing and you would like to try and schedule the patient, you will have to look at that day to see what times are available to supplement with the originally selected appointments.

Do you have a pro tip that you want to share? Email Ashley Hill at hill.2150@osu.edu and share your tip! Maybe your tip will be featured in our next newsletter!

Training Tip

Salt is not such a bad thing when you use it correctly! We are not talking about sodium either. Did you know that you can decrease time spent on data entry in the ledger by utilizing the “Salt” function? Salt stands for “same as last time.” Therefore, if you have a patient who was last seen one year ago for their comprehensive exam and they were an established patient, you can use the Salt icon to post the charges without having to manually enter each line item. This is also a handy trick for Vision Therapy appointments when patients come in weekly. Want to know how to do this? Simply go to the patient’s ledger, confirm that the eRouting tab services match what was entered at the last visit and then click on the Salt icon in the menu bar. Then confirm that it posts correctly to the ledger and update any IDs and departments as needed. It is that simple! So, don’t forget the Salt next time!

Do you have a pro tip that you want to share? Email Ashley Hill at hill.2150@osu.edu and share your tip! Maybe your tip will be featured in our next newsletter!

Training Tip

  • Training Guides & Job Aides
    • Did you know that up-to-date training guides and job aides for various clinic-related tasks are at your fingertips? Check out the Clinic Resources folder located on every terminal station to see the most up to date job aides and training guides.

Do you have a pro tip that you want to share? Email Ashley Hill at hill.2150@osu.edu and share your tip! Maybe your tip will be featured in our next newsletter!

Training Tip: Viewing Accounts Accessed

  • Did you know that you can view all accounts you have accessed for the day in Compulink with one click? Sometimes we can get so busy that it may be challenging to remember all the patients we helped that day. In some instances, you may access over 100 patient accounts in a day, like patient services staff members! To access this list, go to the top menu in Compulink and click on Worklist, then click “Patients Accessed Today Login ID” and a pop-up will appear with the list of accounts you accessed for the day. There are other worklists that allow you to see patients you accessed for a longer time frame, however, those should be accessed outside of clinic hours to avoid Compulink glitches.

Do you have a pro tip that you want to share? Email Ashley Hill at hill.2150@osu.edu and share your tip! Maybe your tip will be featured in our next newsletter!

Training Tip: Duplicate Accounts

  • Did you know that there are almost 1,800 duplicate patient accounts within Compulink? This means that there are 1,800 patients that have two separate accounts for the same patient. Did you also know that by 2020 the Office of National Coordinator of Health Information Technology (ONC) is requiring all providers to limit their total number of duplicates to 1% of their patient population? Great news! We are so close to achieving this goal! However, in order to reduce our number of duplicates we have a couple quick tips to share!
  • First, duplicate accounts happen for various reasons – including incorrect spelling of a name, typos of dates of birth, inability to obtain a SSN for the initial account created, unintentional addition, etc. How can we prevent this from happening?
    • When patients call to schedule an appointment, search for the patient’s account by date of birth even if they say they are new.
    • Verify the spelling of patient names and confirm that there is not an existing account in Compulink. When possible obtain a SSN when the patient calls to schedule their appointment. This is a tricky one – sometimes patients prefer not to disclose, but if we inform patients we collect this information for billing purposes to protect against identity theft this may help combat any concerns they may have.

Do you have a pro tip that you want to share? Email Ashley Hill at hill.2150@osu.edu and share your tip! Maybe your tip will be featured in our next newsletter!