Compulink Training Tips

Designating Tasks to the Appropriate Recipient

There are two ways to communicate via tasks in Compulink. A task can be assigned to a group or an individual. When communicating a task to everyone within a clinic department, please use the “group” name and leave the “responsible” name blank so that the message will be received by everyone in that department. Below are the steps to send to a group or an individual.

Sending to a group:

  • Create the task by selecting ADD from the task ellipsis
  • Enter the task title and notes
  • Then choose the “group” you would like the message to go to by selecting the name from the dropdown menu
  • In the “responsible” field, delete the name
  • Click SAVE

Screenshot of the 'Task for' screen showing the task/notes fields filled in, the 'Medical Records' group selected and the 'Responsible' field left blank.

Sending to an individual:

  • Create the task by selecting ADD from the task ellipsis
  • Enter the task title and notes
  • Keep the “group” name blank (no edits required)
  • Choose the “responsible” name for the intended task by selecting the name from the dropdown menu
  • Click SAVE

Screenshot of the 'Task for' screen showing the task/notes fields filled in, the 'Group' field left blank and a name selected for the 'Responsible' field.

Clinic Staff Training Tips

Searching for Services or Materials

With the Compulink upgrade, you now have the option to search for services or materials by typing in a few letters from the descrption of the line item. No more scrolling to find something in the downdown. It also lists the Usual and Customary fees for each item.

The Service Icon

image of the Service icon

From the ledger Click on Service Icon. In the Description Box (DESC) enter upto 5 letters of a description you are posting and click F7. Example: If you search for the word FIT it will list all items in the service table with the word FIT in the description. Then double click on the line item you are wanting to post to the ledger.

screenshot of an example of a services search result set for the word 'fit'

The Materials Icon

image of the Materials icon

From the ledger Click on Materials Icon. In the Description Box (DESC) enter up to 5 letters of a description you are posting and click F7. Example: If you search for the word BANDA it will list all items in the material table with the word BANDA in the description. Then double click on the line item you are wanting to post to the ledger.

screenshot of an example of a materials search result set for the word 'banda'

Clinic Staff Training Tips

Patient ledgers, posting charges, and collecting money, oh my! The patient ledgers always seem to scare people the most. So here are a few quick tips to make it less scary and more manageable:

  1. Make sure that the insurance utilization is set to 1 and P when we are only billing the primary insurance (e.g. VSP for a vision exam). If a patient has a primary and secondary that is billed for a service (e.g. Medicare and Medicaid) then you would leave the utilization as 1 & 2. Make sure to always check this before posting charges!
  2. Double check the financial plan on the patient demographic and make sure it matches the primary insurance that is being billed for that date of service (e.g. VSP). This is crucial to ensure that the correct fees are pulled and posted to the patient ledger.
  3. Always input the clinic/department code when posting all charges (i.e. both services and materials).
  4. Make sure to include the doctor ID in the ID field and AUX field. For specialty clinics, the ID should be the service chief ID.

Clinic Staff Training Tips

During the most recent clinic staff meeting there were questions about posting voids and returns in Compulink. Since we did not have time to address this issue in real time during the meeting, Ashley Hill has created four short videos to review the protocols for each of the various situations you may encounter. Please click the hyperlinked items below to view the video in your web browser:

These videos have also been added to the clinic desktop and can be found at: \\ clinton\ClinicResources\Compulink Video Tutorials.

Do you have a pro tip that you want to share? If so or if you have any other questions you would like answered in short video clips for the next issue of the newsletter, please reach out to Ashley Hill at

Clinic Staff Training Tips

Posting charges accurately to patient accounts is imperative to ensure that patients are not over or under charged for services or materials. It is important to make sure that we double check the insurance and diagnoses PRIOR to posting the services or materials to the patient ledger. This ensures that the charges are billed appropriately to the insurance and patient. The insurance listed should match the service being billed. In other words, if the service is a comprehensive exam it should be billed to their vision insurance, and medical visits should be billed to their medical insurance. The other insurances should be removed from the insurance line in the ledger at the time of posting when they are not being billed for that service. Furthermore, the #1 diagnosis should match what is documented in the eRouting for that service being billed to insurance. Incorrect diagnoses can be denied and require additional work to rebill the service or result in the patient receiving a bill.

Do you have a pro tip that you want to share? Email Ashley Hill at and share your tip! Maybe your tip will be featured in our next newsletter!

Staff Training Tip

Did you know that the financial plan on the demographic is crucial to posting fees to the ledger correctly? The patient’s financial plan should match the primary insurance for the date of service for which you are posting. For example, if the patient is being seen for a comprehensive exam and has VSP as the primary, the financial plan on the demographic should list as their insurance plan (i.e. VSP Choice). This ensures the correct fee schedule is used when charges are posted to the ledger. QUICK TIP: You can often find the name of the financial plan in the insurance screen after it is added to the patient’s account.

Attending & Intern Training Tip

Did you know if you list charges on the eRouting tab before a patient checks out and change it after the patient leaves that this could impact the charges posted and/or collected for a patient? To avoid erroneous charges for a patient and/or over or under-charging a patient, please be sure all fees are posted to the eRouting accurately prior to checkout (virtual or in person). If charges are changed afterward, please send a task to the appropriate department to ensure that the fees are updated on the patient’s ledger. This will ensure we are billing insurances and/or charging patients accurately.

Do you have a pro tip that you want to share? Email Ashley Hill at and share your tip! Maybe your tip will be featured in our next newsletter!

Faculty, Staff & Student Training Tip #1

Did you know there is only one correct way to log off from Compulink? In addition, logging off incorrectly can negatively affect the functionality of the system. To log out properly and avoid self-induced performance issues, you should only log out from the main screen. This means you need to exit out of all exam screens and the demographic screen first. Once this is done, it will take you back to the main screen where you can click “log off” to successfully log out of the system.

Screenshot of the main Compulink screen showing the toolbar of icons at the top of the page with the 'log off' icon of a power button highlighted. This is the eighth icon from the left on this toolbar.