Training Tip

Salt is not such a bad thing when you use it correctly! We are not talking about sodium either. Did you know that you can decrease time spent on data entry in the ledger by utilizing the “Salt” function? Salt stands for “same as last time.” Therefore, if you have a patient who was last seen one year ago for their comprehensive exam and they were an established patient, you can use the Salt icon to post the charges without having to manually enter each line item. This is also a handy trick for Vision Therapy appointments when patients come in weekly. Want to know how to do this? Simply go to the patient’s ledger, confirm that the eRouting tab services match what was entered at the last visit and then click on the Salt icon in the menu bar. Then confirm that it posts correctly to the ledger and update any IDs and departments as needed. It is that simple! So, don’t forget the Salt next time!

Do you have a pro tip that you want to share? Email Ashley Hill at and share your tip! Maybe your tip will be featured in our next newsletter!