News & Notes

  • New Vision Therapy Staff Position
    • The Vision Therapy Service has undergone tremendous growth in the last three years from being a part-time voluntary clinic to a full-time clinic of our third-year curriculum. This growth requires additional resources to manage the referrals, scheduling, equipment inventory, and insurance issues from this busy clinic. Therefore, this Sunday a new position will post to hire a VT-specific clinic staff member to manage the administrative components of that service. If you know of a great candidate to join our clinic services team, please refer them to
  • Improvements to Electronic Patient Referral Process
    • On October 7, 2019 we officially launched the electronic patient referral process in clinic! Tracking incoming consultation requests electronically has streamlined the process and greatly improved efficiency. Most important, it has enhanced our communication with patients and referring providers to facilitate patients getting the care they need. The newest addition to this process is an electronic consultation request form. Referring providers can now complete a fillable PDF on our website at and fax the request to Medical Records. Special thanks to the implementation team of Cathy Beatty, Charity Levengood, Shawn Curtner and Ashley Hill, who helped create a new and better way of caring for our patients.
  • Clinic computer upgrades
    • The replacement of computer terminals throughout the entire clinic with PCs is underway. Jason Sentivany has already upgraded the hardware in the staff areas within the contact lens office, Fry clinics, billing office, patient services, and medical records. The remaining areas that will receive new PCs by January 14 will be the Eyewear Gallery, all clinic consultation rooms, all clinic exam rooms, and all preclinic rooms. All clinic areas of the Student Health Center, Lower Lights, and Upper Arlington clinics will be updated as well. The major advantage of this upgrade is that the IT department will be able to segregate all Compulink-related processes from other computing processes such as internet browsing, e-mail, etc. to enhance the speed and responsiveness of Compulink. Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding as we embark on making these improvements. Additional information will be forthcoming regarding timelines and instructions for the upgrade of your specific work area.
  • Training opportunity for attendings
    • Mark your calendar for Second National Summit on Promoting Well-being and Resilience in Healthcare Providers that will occur October 21-23, 2020 in downtown Columbus. The event will showcase strategies to enhance workplace wellness, healthy lifestyle behaviors, and combat clinician burnout. This event will be hosted by all seven health science colleges at The Ohio State University (Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Optometry, Pharmacy, Public Health, Veterinary Medicine), the College of Social Work, and the Wexner Medical Center.
  • Managing records and documents of departing employees
    • The college recently implemented its Departing Employee Record and Document Disposition Policy, which is stored on the I drive: COLLEGE DOCUMENTS/POLICIES + GUIDELINES/PERSONNEL. This policy outlines the requirement to appropriately deal with the documents and records held by employees leaving the college and describes the college’s procedure for doing so. In addition to inputting an HRA to appropriately process the employee’s termination, supervisors are ultimately responsible for the timely disposition of their employees’ records and documents. The Records Management and Maintenance Committee oversees policy implementation and provides assistance to departing employees and their supervisors. Contact the chair of the RMMC, Karla Gengler-Nowak, with any questions.