OR Workshop Series: Julia & JuMP

Are you tired of struggling alone at midnight, trying to learn new solvers and tools from disconnected YouTube videos and irrelevant examples? It’s great to challenge yourself, but what if we could make the learning process more efficient and collaborative?

Our team at INFORMS@OSU feels you! Introducing the OR Workshop Series, where we invite experts from our community to guide you through the maze, help you swiftly grasp the magic of research tools using practical Operations Research examples. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to accelerated learning!

We’re kicking off our first workshop on Julia with our amazing speaker
🎤 Milad Dehghani Filabadi (PhD Candidate, ISE)
📅 Time: Friday, March 1st, 1:30 – 2:30 PM

The event is free and open to anyone who is interested in Julia! Join us for an immersive workshop where we’ll demystify complex concepts, learn together, and elevate our skills as a community.

Summer Internship Sharing Session

On November 15th, INFORMS@OSU hosted an exciting panel where Ohio State Masters/PhD students presented on companies they’ve worked for as summer associates, offering advice, insights, and takeaways from their corporate experiences.

Nanshan Chen, a PhD student in Operations Research and ‘20 MS Industrial Engineering graduate from the University of Washington, shared insights from his role as an AI & Data Science Associate at JPMorgan Chase & Co., discussing his experience on everything from the interview process to his day-to-day experience in the Columbus office. Afterwards, Shlok Sah, a former MS student in Computer Science at Ohio State, shared his experience as a Data Science Associate on the FAST team at JPMC.

Yongzheng Dai, a PhD student in Operations Research, discussed his position working as a Statistics and Operations Research Analyst at United Airlines, elaborating on incredible insights pertaining to the differences between academic optimization models in LP and IP, as well as the challenges and exciting aspects of using big data in the workforce.

Yuxuan Xin, a PhD student in Statistics and a ’18 MS Statistics graduate from Georgia Tech, shared her experience as a biostatistics intern at Biogen. She not only explained the types of statistical models she utilized during her role, but also how she grew in her abilities using programming languages and statistical software to derive more impactful insights while working for the Cambridge office. 

Tengmu Hu, a PhD student in Operations Research and a holder of an MS in AQRM and an MS in Operations Research from Ohio State, shared his experience working as a Data Science Nationwide Insurance and outlining the elaborate processes Nationwide has for the models and insights they require for most effective results.

Thank you to all who facilitated and attended the presentations, which were truly a convergence of academia and industry wisdom!

2nd General Body Meeting

“On November 8th, INFORMS@OSU hosted Brianna Bors of Trane Technologies (NYSE:TT) to learn more about the company’s initiatives relating to engineering initiatives, project management, and how they foster a more sustainable world environment in the HVAC and building management systems sector. Our members learned about several esteemed positions targeted at undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students, ranging from construction project management to data analysis co-ops and several full-time roles. We’re very thankful for Trane technologies’ insights into what students can do with their related studies, and we hope to continue a partnership in the future!

Additionally, our members were able to pose with our Magna Cum Laude award we received at the Phoenix, Arizona INFORMS conference (see below)! For more information on our award, click here: [https://u.osu.edu/informsosu/2023/11/05/we-win-the-informs-student-chapter-award/]

We Win the INFORMS Student Chapter Award!!

Congratulations! The INFORMS Chapters and Fora Committee decided that our INFORMS The Ohio State University Student Chapter has been selected as a winner of the 2023 Student Chapter Annual Award as a Magna Cum Laude. The purpose of these awards is to recognize the outstanding achievements of student chapters.