We are Recruiting Officers!! (apply before 3/30)

INFORMS@OSU is currently seeking candidates for several officer positions, including Treasurer, President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Webmaster. As an officer, you will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in event planning and management, build your professional network, and make a positive impact on the ISE and operations research community at Ohio State. Additionally, officers will receive a free membership from the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS).

The President will oversee and lead INFORMS events and officers, assist officers with their duties, announce and preside over officer meetings, maintain contact with the Institute, and provide direction to the chapter and its officers.

The Vice President will assume the duties of the President when necessary, and work with the President to ensure the success of officer meetings and events.

The Secretary will administer amendments to bylaws, record and disseminate meeting notes for all officer meetings, maintain files, file the annual report to the Institute that describes chapter activities, and renew the organization’s annual registration with the University.

The Treasurer will be responsible for financial matters, including receipt of all financial reports from the Institute, conveying financial information to the chapter membership, approving all expenditures, and monitoring receipts or conveying receipts to the Institute in a fiscally sound manner.

The Webmaster will keep the INFORMS website up-to-date with organization information, event photos, and resources.

To apply for one of these positions, please email Yifan (Yang.5483@osu.edu) with your resume and a brief statement of interest.

We encourage candidates from all backgrounds and levels of experience to apply. This is an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills, gain valuable experience, and make a positive impact on the ISE and operations research community at Ohio State.


An Info Session with American Airlines was held on March 24.

Dr. Leo Chen, who is the operations research consultant at American Airlines, shared important information about American Airlines and his interesting work experience.

Many students who have interested in finding relevant internships or job opportunities had a good chance to know more information. We had a good discussion and enjoyed the delicious food.