A New Day is Here

October 2022 marks the month where the School of Music will celebrate the culmination of an effort, an initiative, and a campaign known as a “New Day.”  In April 2012, more than 150 community members, alumni, and friends of the School of Music helped celebrate a “New Day” at a gathering in Ohio Union’s Performance Hall. The then Director of the School of Music, Richard Blatti, Executive Dean and Vice Provost, Joseph Steinmetz, Division Dean, Mark Shanda, and President E. Gordon Gee shared a vision to develop a vibrant arts district on campus with world class performance and teaching spaces. And now, since the beginning of this Autumn semester, hundreds of students, faculty, and staff have been experiencing and celebrating the realization of that vision on a daily basis.

Thank you to President Johnson, Past Presidents Drake and Gee, and the upper administration for their vision to see through a thriving Arts District; to the College of Arts and Sciences, Deans David Horn, Dana Renga, and Sergio Souve, for their commitment, support, and collaboration to make this happen; to previous Directors of the School of Music, William Ballenger and Eugenia Costa-Giomi for their steady leadership in helping to ensure this incredible project moved forward during unprecedented times; to Holder Construction, AE/Design, and A.M. Stern Architects for their state-of-the-art design and expertise; to our alumni and benefactors, and to those across the Columbus community and Ohio, who value and support the arts. And lastly, to The Timashev Family. Your generous gift is a bright future ahead for the School of Music.

I hope you might join the School of Music in sharing our enthusiasm and appreciation at the Timashev Family Music Building Celebration & Dedication event on October 23. Our special concert at 3 p.m. features music which has never been performed before. Music that is creative, expressive, and in the same essence as our new home, completely new.

Event information: