IA Event: All You Need is Ecuador

From the Andes and Amazonia to the Heart of Ohio
Building Connections, Fostering Opportunities


Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015
4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Hale Hall, MLK Auditorium


Co-sponsored by:
The Humanities Institute and Center for Latin American Studies Working Group
“Continuity and Change in the Andes and Amazonia,”
Honors & Scholars, Organization of Hispanic Faculty and Staff,
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese


Please note that this is the FINAL event of the Departmental Series.
All First Year IA Scholars are required to attend one of these events.


During their visit to OSU, the Consul and Vice-Consul of Ecuador highlight the remarkable transformation of one of the smallest nations in South America and tell the compelling story of Ecuador—one of the most culturally rich and biodiverse countries in the world.

Join us for a dialogue about opportunities and challenges in Ecuador today, discover some of the compelling reasons for why you should learn more about this region of the world, and learn how you can become part of an emerging Andes-OSU connection!

Bridging the Andes, Amazonia, the Pacific Coast and the Galapagos Islands, it is no wonder that Ecuador continues to rank among the top 10 retirement destinations for U.S. citizens and that it is among the top study abroad destinations for university students interested in studying Spanish or one of the many indigenous languages of the Andes and Amazonia, conducting research on a broad diversity of topics, or doing professional practices in their fields of study.

Guided by the UN’s Millennium Goals, Ecuador has embarked on a social, political, educational and economic overhaul aimed at fostering a more egalitarian society. From changes in its Constitution to economic advances, modernization and accountability of government and nongovernment entities to new approaches to foreign service and diplomacy, from developments in infrastructure to unprecedented investment in education, from a recognition of the multi-ethnic and plurinational composition of the nation to the implementation of “El Plan del Buen Vivir” and the extension of social benefits to foreigners, the country has positioned itself as a trailblazer among Andean/Amazonian nations.

In terms of education, the Ecuadorean government has invested more than ever in the nation’s next generation, with thousands of young Ecuadoreans studying in the best universities in the world, the creation of the “City of Knowledge Yachay,” and the recruitment of renowned emeritus professors from around the world to join ranks in Ecuadorean universities with the Prometeo Program. Similarly, Ecuador has opened its doors with opportunities for international students.

Dr. Carlos Lenin Housse, Consul
Consulate of Ecuador in Chicago 
(covering the States of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin)

Dr. Carlos Lenin Housse graduated from the Law School at the Central University of Ecuador. He has a Master’s degree in International Relations and a Specialist’s degree in Security in Latin America from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences. He also has a diploma in Andean Studies and in International Cooperation Management.

A career diplomat, he has been posted at the Secretariat General of the Andean Community, in Lima, Peru; Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Ecuador to Indonesia and Consul of Ecuador in Jakarta, and Special Advisor of the Pro Tempore Presidency of Suriname in UNASUR, in Paramaribo. In Ecuador, he has served as Deputy Coordinator for Diplomatic Affairs at the Presidential Palace of the Republic, and Director General of Foreign Affairs of the National Electoral Council of Ecuador.

Catalina Landivar, AICP, 
Vice Consul
Consulate of Ecuador in Chicago

Catalina Landivar, AICP, joined the Foreign Service team at the Consulate of Ecuador in Chicago in 2014 and leads the Consulate of Ecuador Annex/Casa Ecuatoriana since 2014. The Consulate of Ecuador Annex/Casa Ecuatoriana in Chicago is a pilot project of the Ecuadorian Foreign Affairs Ministry, testing the concept of creating a center of information, cultural promotion, and support services that promote socio-economic development for the Ecuadorian migrant community in the Consulate’s jurisdiction. Catalina Landívar, has over two decades of experience as a community planner with a focus on economic development and implementation strategies.

She holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the Catholic University of Guayaquil, a Master’s degree in Community Planning and Business Administration from the University of Cincinnati, and an Advanced Studies diploma in Economic Development from the Council of Urban Economic Development/International Economic Development Council, and in Land Use Policies and Climate Change from the Lincoln Institute of Land Policies. Ms. Landivar is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) since 1998. Ms. Landivar’s experience as a Fulbright Scholar has been paramount in recognizing the importance of education in building bridges of understanding and collaboration between different cultures and peoples.

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