My Experience as a Critical Care Patient Experience Intern

Accepting a position at your first internship becomes a pivotal moment in our college careers, we are finally getting our feet wet, and getting a sneak peak of what we may potentially do in our everyday jobs. Coming into this internship I knew it was important for me to stay transparent, level headed and organized. Once I was accepted into the internship I knew I needed to keep expectations for myself and also remember my specific duties in this position to make sure I always provided the best outcome. Important duties for the Patient Experience Internship included serving as a resource to families regarding family support services within the medical center, assisting with communication of non-clinical information related to the ICU to family and visitors and making regular rounds in all areas of the MICU and SICU.

When I found out about this internship I knew it would be an amazing opportunity and experience for me. Moreover, when I found out about getting credit through OSU for an internship I knew that it was very beneficial for my education. I really enjoyed taking this course because I think it was important to come home from my internship each day and reflect on what I learned, improved on and could have done better for the next time. Not only self-reflecting, but also hearing about other students’ struggles and strengths is so inspiring and it really helps you connect with others who may be going down the same career path. One very important piece of advice about having an internship and taking this course would be to manage your time and always keep track of the hours you are putting into your internship to assure you are hitting 45 hours.

This internship as a whole has truly transformed my learning in communication and problem-solving skills. I found that it was very important to efficiently communicate non-clinical information to families and patients during a very emotional and stressful time. As a Patient Experience intern, I believe it was also important to be understanding and empathetic when it came down to emotional situations. Additionally, when you receive an internship like this you realize networking is a perk that comes along with it. I have come to learn about many services that OSUMC has as well as creating friendships with many incredible and diverse people who have expanded my knowledge of the medical field. I feel that this internship has strengthened my communication skills as well as inspired me to do what I love and continue to care and help people. I am honored for the incredible opportunity I was given and very thankful for all the people who encouraged me to apply for the internship and those who taught me throughout this experience.

-Sarah Chovitz

image of student who authored this post