grant proposal

In the process of creating this robot an opportunity to apply for a grant to pay for the robot came up. While Kevin and I didn’t win the proposal, it has information that may be interesting or helpful to anyone trying to replicate the project.


Project title

Bluetooth RC Car Instructable


Summarize your project in one sentence.

The project is the development and instructional documentation of an open source Bluetooth controlled robot structured from an RC car.


Project description *

Provide a 200-400 word description of what are doing and why you need funding

The hobby electronics world is evolving and it is becoming easier and more financially viable for young people, especially students, to get involved. The problem is after someone buys an Arduino and gets a simple light to blink, it can be very difficult to do more. Bigger projects can feel intimidating to an amateur and going to a hackathon or a Makeathon with no previous big project experience feels like an impossible challenge. Therefore, we would like to bridge between the simple Arduino led projects and the creative projects often seen at the hackathon and Makeathon.

This project is good middle project because it includes use of a Bluetooth module, motors, and the simple development of GUI without being too overwhelming. The project starts with a RC car. Next an Arduino and motor shield are used to control the motors of the car. After this a Bluetooth device is connected to the Arduino. Next the free “Processing” IDE is used to create a simple GUI to connect to the computer to the Bluetooth module. All information necessary to do the project will be made available on a website with video and written instructions.

My partner and I need this funding in order to buy the necessary pieces for the project and to fund our time and effort put into the project. A lot of time will be spent to make the project and the instruction list. Unfortunately, because my partner and I spend so much time on hobby electronics and undergraduate research we don’t have time for a part time job like many college students do. Any provided funding would help ease this financial burden.


Project timeline *

What steps will you take? List your timeline and if you have any other potential sources of funding.

Step 1. Order all pieces

Step 2. Move left and right motors independent of each other

Step 3. Control a light with a Bluetooth module and computer.

Step 4. Move motors with computer and Bluetooth module. Have a very basic version of the GUI.

Step 5. Have full control of robot with computer. Have a more advanced GUI.

Step 6. Finalize robot by replacing jumper cables with soldered wires and finalize GUI.

Step 7. Have very basic write up overviewing everything.

Step 8. Finishing the write-up

Step 9. Create a website with documenting materials

Step 10. Begin recording the videos.

Step 11. Finish recording and editing videos. Upload videos

One step will be completed a week. If the funding is provided by the end of winter break, the project can begin on January 8th and is scheduled to end on April 2nd. The project consists of about 4 hours of work a week for each partner for the span of 11 weeks. This comes to 88 hours of work total. There is no other source of funding.


Project involvement *

Who will be involved with the project? Include any individuals, organizations, or partners.

Group member 1: Logan Whitaker.

I am a Junior Electrical Engineering major and Computer & Information Science minor. I have experience in undergraduate research, hobby electronics, and Control Systems Engineering in industry.


Group member 2: Kevin A. Bartchlett.

I am a Sophomore Electrical Engineering major. I have experience with the development of software applications and prototyping of IoT devices.