Code for controller

// initial setup————————————————————————————————————————————-
import processing.serial.*; //set up serial comunication
String Status=""; //location for any information to be sent back to the GUI from the robot
Serial myPort;                  //initializes variable "myPort"
int speed = 90; //initializes variable "speed" (this is the value sent to the robot)
int speedLocation = 500; //initializes variable "speedLocation" (this is the location of the indicator on the computer)

void setup() {
  size(1300, 1000); //this creates the size of the entire window
  myPort = new Serial(this, "COM5", 38400); // Starts the serial communication
  myPort.bufferUntil('\n'); // sets the ending character for seriel communication. We are using /n (this new line character)

void serialEvent (Serial myPort) { // Checks for available data in the Serial Port
  Status = myPort.readStringUntil('\n'); //Reads the data sent from the Arduino "Status" variable

//everything under the following function is drawing the screen
//background sets the background color. This can be done with background(ammount of black) or background(red, green blue)
//fill determines the color of the next shapes. Color is determined the same way as the background function
//stroke() determines the color of the outline the same way background does.
//strokeWeight() determines the thickness of the outline
//rect(x coordinate, y coordinate, width, height, filet) draws a rectangle with the given parameters
//textsize(size) sets the font size using a single integer
//text("text", x coordinate, y coordinate) write the "text" with the left top most point at the given coordinate value

void draw() {
  background(150); // grey color
  fill(200, 0, 0); // red color
  stroke(33); // light grey color
  strokeWeight(1); // thin outline
  rect(400, 50, 200, 200, 10); // forward 2 sec
  rect(400, 275, 200, 200, 10); // back 2 sec
  rect(625, 162, 200, 200, 10); // right 90 degrees
  rect(175, 162, 200, 200, 10); // left 90 degrees

  rect(25, 500, 950, 10, 10); //seperation rectangle

  rect(400, 550, 200, 200, 10); // forward
  rect(400, 775, 200, 200, 10); // back
  rect(625, 662, 200, 200, 10); // right
  rect(175, 662, 200, 200, 10); // left

  rect(1100, 50, 150, 900); //speed control bar
  fill(60, 60, 60); // changes color
  rect(1100, speedLocation, 150, 100); // speed indication box

  fill(255); // white color for text
  textSize(32); // font size is 32
  text("forward", 442, 125);
  text("2", 490, 150);
  text("seconds", 438, 175);

  text("backward", 428, 350);
  text("2", 490, 375);
  text("seconds", 438, 400);

  text("right", 688, 238);
  text("90", 705, 269);
  text("degrees", 667, 294);

  text("left", 248, 238);
  text("90", 255, 269);
  text("degrees", 217, 294);

  //bottom controller
  text("forward", 442, 662);
  text("backward", 428, 885);
  text("turn", 692, 740);
  text("right", 688, 770);
  text("turn", 242, 740);
  text("left", 248, 770);

  //speed control
  text(str(speed), 1150, speedLocation+60);

  text("Program made by Logan Whitaker\nHardware by Kevin Bartchlett\", 800, 30);

  //the rest of the code determines the reaction to buttons being pressed
  //forward 2 seconds was pressed and writes the integer 1 to the arduino via Bluetooth and the program waits 2 seconds before doing anything else
  if (mousePressed && mouseX>400 && mouseX<600 && mouseY>50 && mouseY<250) {

  // back 2 seconds was pressed and writes the integer 2 to the arduino via Bluetooth and the program waits 2 seconds before doing anything else
  if (mousePressed && mouseX>400 && mouseX<600 && mouseY>275 && mouseY<475) {

  //turn 90 degrees right was pressed and writes the integer 3 to the arduino via Bluetooth and the program waits 2 seconds before doing anything else
  if (mousePressed && mouseX>625 && mouseX<825 && mouseY>162 && mouseY<362) {
    myPort.write(3); // Sends the character '3'

  //turn left 90 degrees was pressed and writes the integer 4 to the arduino via Bluetooth and the program waits 2 seconds before doing anything else
  if (mousePressed && mouseX>175 && mouseX<376 && mouseY>162 && mouseY<362) {
    myPort.write(4); // Sends the character '4'

  // if no buttons are pressed the program defaults back to 0 to show no movement
  if (!mousePressed) {


  //forward was pressed and writes the integer 1 to the arduino via Bluetooth and flashes a rectangle with no fill to make the box look highlighted
  if (mousePressed && mouseX>400 && mouseX<600 && mouseY>550 && mouseY<750) {
    stroke(0, 0, 255);
    rect(400, 550, 200, 200, 10);

  // back was pressed and writes the integer 2 to the arduino via Bluetooth and flashes a rectangle with no fill to make the box look highlighted
  if (mousePressed && mouseX>400 && mouseX<600 && mouseY>775 && mouseY<975) {
    stroke(0, 0, 255);
    rect(400, 775, 200, 200, 10);

  //turn right was pressed and writes the integer 3 to the arduino via Bluetooth and flashes a rectangle with no fill to make the box look highlighted
  if (mousePressed && mouseX>625 && mouseX<825 && mouseY>662 && mouseY<862) {
    stroke(0, 0, 255);
    rect(625, 662, 200, 200, 10);

  //turn left was pressed and writes the integer 4 to the arduino via Bluetooth and flashes a rectangle with no fill to make the box look highlighted
  if (mousePressed && mouseX>175 && mouseX<376 && mouseY>662 && mouseY<862) {
    stroke(0, 0, 255);
    rect(175, 662, 200, 200, 10);
  //speed control sees exactly where the mouse clicked and sends a value between 5 and 180 to the arduino to designate the new speed
  if (mousePressed && mouseX>1100 && mouseX<1250 && mouseY>100 && mouseY<900) {
    speed = ((mouseY-76)*175/796);
    speedLocation= mouseY-50;