Inventive Portraiture

Final rendition of this project
First rendition of this project, scrapped due to a change in thought process to the project

Project Statement

Portrait including many shapes formed in the shadow of the concept words “Organized” and “Chaotic.” The duality between these two words gave a challenge to overcome that resulted in a wide array of shapes and styles in the single composition. There was a personal goal to create a heavily graphical and comic-like style so that got pushed a lot in my process. The grouping of color ended up happening after a lot of experimentation and theoretical testing to find an aesthetic choice that would suit the final concept. There was also a push to incorporate the idea of “Organized Chaos” as a sort of grounding point for the shapes. and formation of the form as a whole.


View detailed project process at Inventive Portraiture: Process


There was an exercise in contour lines that heavily influenced the final outcome and let me have some depth and a sense of space that would otherwise be difficult to obtain through a soft shading method. I completely scrapped my first “final” because I entirely didn’t like it and wanted to create a much more abstract piece, as shown in the actual final composition. I developed a lot of ideas and things I really wouldn’t have stumbled across under other circumstances and am pretty thankful to have made such a mistake and having to restart. Doing it over from scratch let me reformulate my thought process and find a new direction that I could enjoy working from, and from that redirection I ended up with a final composition that is personally my favorite project outcome.