College Mentors for Kids 2021-2022

During my second year at Ohio State, I found an organization that has come to hold a special place in my heart. This organization is called College Mentors for Kids. The picture includes me and my little buddy, Kelamyrah. College Mentors brings over 30 kids to Ohio State’s campus Monday- Thursday to participate in a mentoring program, but also to just have fun. My specific activity day was on Thursday, and we had so much fun. When the little buddies come to campus, we give them a snack and we talk about different topics related to college, depending on the different organization we bring in. Occasionally, these conversations are about health care related careers, or they can be with organizations that talk about Disney. Either way, we spend time together, cherishing each moment.

While it was not always easy, we always find something to have fun within activity. I cannot wait to continue to see my little buddy, and all of the other little buddies in upcoming semesters.


Since I am home this semester, I needed to find volunteer opportunities near me. My church had the perfect opportunity for me to volunteer and build relationships. Upward Soccer is a community soccer league for kids ages 3 to 6th grade. I am currently the head coach of my team, the Rams, for ages 3 to 5. It has been such an amazing experience. Once a week, we practice together and then every Saturday morning we have a game. It has been amazing to get to know the kids and learn how to work with them and their parents. Due to their age, I have been learning more patience and how to be strict, but also have fun.

My career goal is to go into the pediatric medical field. While this organization is not medical, it does expose to different kids and different personalities. I am learning how to talk to them and how they’re minds work through anything that is going on in their heads. I aim to be encouraging and to allow them to know that they can talk to me and tell me if something is wrong.