This training system was developed to train home healthcare professionals (aids, nurses, PTs, OTs, etc.) in the identification of, assessment of, and response to health and safety hazards that pose a risk of injury to them while in a client’s home.
The training system was developed by researchers at The Ohio State University and the University of Louisville. The hazards presented in the training are based, in part, on input from home healthcare workers (Aids, PT/OT, R.N., etc.), through focus group discussions. The training system contains three orientation modules, three training modules, and an assessment module.
The training system is functional, useful, and usable, but should still be considered “under development”. Some important limitations with the current version:
- The program has not been tested extensively on Macintosh computers.
- The program does not work on tablet computers with a touchscreen interface.
- The program does not address hazards associated with violent persons, alcohol/drugs, or weapons.
There are some minor risks when using a virtual simulation system or working on a computer for an extended period of time. You may experience feelings of discomfort, similar to motion sickness, including dizziness, nausea, or headache. If you experience any of these feelings either take a break from the VSTS before continuing or, if you are very uncomfortable, discontinue your use of the VSTS. We recommend that you use the following Screening Questions to help you decide who might be susceptible to these symptoms.
Screening Questions: We do NOT recommend that individuals who answer “YES” to either of the questions below use the VSTS.
a. Do you often feel sick while riding in the back seat of a car or reading in a car?
If yes, do not use the VSTS
b. Have you ever felt sick while in a motion simulator or theme park ride?
If yes, do not use the VSTS
The pages on this site will tell you:
- How to download the training system and set it up on your computer.
- How to use the training system.
- How to provide us your thoughts and comments regarding the training system, including suggestions for improvement.