The Ohio State University

Module 7: Maintaining Motivation Blog Post

How do I stay motivated? This is a question I often find myself asking, whether it be related to studying for an exam, working on a project, or doing a task that takes more than 7 minutes. So when I…

Module 6: Searching and Researching Blog Post

This week’s module focused on another very important aspect of most college classes: writing papers, or more specifically: finding good sources to use when writing papers. If you are anything like myself, you may dread when your professor assigns an…

Module 5: Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies Blog Post

Hi Everyone! This week we covered an important lesson for students who are preparing for exams: taking good notes. Now if you’re anything like me you may find it difficult to take notes and are often reliant on friends or…

Web-Enhanced Reading & Study Strategies Blog Post

This week’s lesson focused on developing effective strategies for reading and studying, as well as provided several different tools to help improve those skills. The lesson covered topics such as Active Reading, Memorization & Learning, and how to incorporate available…

Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age Blog Post

This week’s module covered an important topic that impacts pretty much everyone I know- procrastination. The lesson did a good job not only of explaining what procrastination is and various reasons people may be procrastinators, but also offered effective and…

Module 2: Communicating and Collaborating Blog Post

This week’s module covered effective communication and collaboration in an online class and the various ways a student can do so. The tips on improving communication has been extremely useful for me and in the past I have found working…