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Near the end of my first semester at Ohio State, I was able to participate in one of the most impactful events for First Year Mount Scholars, Legacy Week. The group that I ended up joining was Team Global, and it was a team that especially appealed to me because I really wanted to join a team that would be able to impact a broader cause.  Subsequently the two projects that we have chosen, A game Night and a college information night for the Asian American Community Services and Ethiopian Tewahedo Social Services are targeted to fulfill the needs of the agency while honoring Ruth Weimer Mount. The creation of these projects required unity as a team, and while we did face obstacles such as agencies not responding frequently, I feel that following a successful budget night, we are able to host an impactful event for the agencies. My contribution as Lead contact for ETSS and Financial Coordinator was especially significant to me, because it showed me that when I was needed I could step up into major roles that have a direct impact on the success of the group. I look forward to hosting these projects and utilizing the newfound skills that I have acquired from my participation in these events.

Year in Review

Coming to Ohio State as an out-of-state Student, I absolutely was not expecting my first year to end in this fashion. While my freshman year was cut short, with the time I was given, I was still able to accomplish some of the major goals I had set out with following high school. For me, I wanted this new chapter to be centered around the idea of commitment where I feel that during my high school years, I didn’t take advantage of the opportunities around me. However, at Ohio State I was able to put more commitments into clubs, such as the Asian Business Student Association, and more importantly put more effort into my Scholars Organization. As a Mount Scholar, I joined subcommittees such as the Alumni Advancement Relations Committee, and gained the opportunity to go into the nation’s capital to learn more about our country’s government. My involvement outside of school allowed me to gain experience that time at the library wouldn’t give me. I look forward to my sophomore year, where my involvement in the Business School’s Honors Program will grant me an opportunity to apply and join a cohort, and also other opportunities that will allow me to make the most of my time here.



Global Awareness: One way that I am looking towards immersing myself in other cultures is through the internship opportunities provided by the Fisher College of Business. While COVID-19 will most likely hinder potential study abroad opportunities, Fisher has changed their global internships to also function as a virtual opportunity. Regardless, I plan to participate in a program abroad in order to continue my immersion into other cultures.

Original Inquiry: Through my S.T.E.P program, I have look to further my professional development as a Accounting major by combining educational opportunities along with professional opportunities.

Academic Enrichment: As a student who is involved with the Fishers Honor Program, I am looking forward to applying towards the Honors programs that Fisher offers. Regardless of the program that I join, I know that I will learn and experience valuable information necessary to my growth as a student and professional. In addition, I am looking to rush at the Professional Business Fraternity Phi Chi Theta to further expand my knowledge and experience in the business world.

Leadership Development: Currently, one of the organizations that I am participating in is the Accounting Association and I am looking to apply towards a position on the E-Board. Specifically with my experience in other programs with setting up professional events, I am looking to apply towards the role of VP of Professional Events.

Service Engagement: For my Year of Service, I am serving as a tutor for the Kindergarten Corps. Kindergarten Corps focuses on improving the reading and comprehension skills of those who are enrolled within the Columbus City Schools, and I am in charge of planning the tutoring sessions while practicing interactive readings with the students.


I am currently a second year Accounting Major and Chinese Minor at Ohio State. My career goal is to ultimately be in a position to utilize my skills in an country abroad. I have attached my resume to showcase some of my experiences, but I have also been fortunate enough to receive an offer to work at an accounting firm in the Winter Season of my junior year. I hope to utilize this experiences to further my career, and accomplish the professional goals I have set for myself


Earlier this October, I was able to participate in a succession of events that involved the alumni of my scholars group. The committee that I am apart of, Advancement and Alumni Relations Committee, was responsible for putting these events together to both allow for the alumni to enjoy the homecoming festivities and to allow for the first and second years of my scholars group, networking opportunities with the alumni. These events were especially significant to me, as it allowed for me to engage with the alumni and begin the foundation for relationships that I can utilize in the future. From these alumni, I was able to learn their own college experiences, the events that impacted them the most, and any advice that they had to take advantage of the limited time we had as students. These events were pivotal in aiding my realization regarding the importance of alumni and their impact on students, even if they have graduated long ago. Subsequently, I look forward to future events where I am able to connect with more alumni in order to build my own experiences and networks.

About Me

I am Albert He, a first year student from Doylestown, Pennsylvania studying International Business at the Fisher College of Business. Growing up, I have always been draped in Scarlet and Grey, but being from the Philadelphia area I never had the opportunity to experience the traditions here first-hand. Going to the Shoe and the Schott for the first time are all items I plan to check off my bucket list here. I can’t wait to experience all the events that define tOSU, but I am also very excited to begin developing my career. As a business major, not only do I plan to achieve academic success, but I also plan on developing connections and participating in internships in the Columbus area. I plan to make the most of my time here, and I can’t wait for it all to begin at THE Ohio State University.