About Me

This is a picture of me when I was leaving orientation with my new BuckID this summer.

This is a picture of me when I was leaving orientation with my new BuckID this summer.

My name is Mahala Haughn and I am a first year at Ohio State. I have lived in a small town in northwestern Ohio for all of my life. Growing up in a rural community was a very good experience for me, but experiencing the University and Columbus has been amazing. My high school was relatively small, but I was able to involve myself in many different clubs and interest groups. Some of my favorite things to do in high school were to play soccer and rugby, compete on quiz team, sing in the choir, and act in the drama department. I am hoping that I will continue to be involved in some of my hobbies at Ohio State. I am starting my college career as an honors exploration student and while I have many areas of interest, I have had trouble choosing only one to major in. I am unsure at the moment of where I want to direct my professional goals, but so far the exploration program has been amazing in helping me choose classes that suit my interests. I am very excited to be a Buckeye and I am looking forward to my time at Ohio State.

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