Year in Review

OSU Honors and Scholars: G.O.A.L.S.


G: Global Awareness

To increase my global awareness, I plan on keeping up to date on global issues. I also want to make connections with international students to learn more about their cultures and understand the struggles they endure living in a different country. I’m interested in learning about different cultures to increase my ability to empathize with and understand people from all around the world.

O: Original Inquiry

I want to get involved in research within my major of Computer and Information Science to expand my participation in original inquiry. More specifically, I hope to get involved in either information security or software engineering.

A: Academic Enrichment

To increase my academic enrichment, I want to take difficult classes that will challenge me within my major and outside of it through my GEs. After talking to my advisor, I’m planning on taking a few 5000-level computer science courses and one 6000-level course as technical electives. As for my GE coursework, I chose classes with a focus on psychology or social issues when applicable. By taking these courses, I’ll be able to expand my knowledge of the people around me and expand my critical thinking skills.

L: Leadership Development

Because I have a passion for music, I want to get a leadership position dealing with continuing music after high school. I think it’s very important for incoming students to know that it’s possible to continue being involved in music, or anything you’re passionate about, in college even if it isn’t your major. Especially after taking a semester off from a music class, I understand how important it is to have a creative outlet outside of your regular coursework.

S: Service Engagement

I want to expand my engagement in service by getting involved in helping the Columbus community. I plan on getting involved in organizations such as Pay It Forward that will help the Columbus community by assisting small businesses, serving the homeless, and cleaning our environment. I also plan on getting more involved with ACMW – an organization for women in computer science – to help more girls learn about computer science and feel like they can be a part of the community.