Module 6: Searching and Researching

The most useful thing I learned throughout this module is about the source credibility. When looking at an article or website there are three things to look for the source reliability, quality, and utility. When considering whether to utilize a resource that you ind online, you should as yourself the following questions. Is the Contact info available? Is the article related to my topic? Is the article up to date? Being able to answer those questions allow you to recognize you have a useful source. I’ve actually put these questions to use during my assignment for this module. Leaning throughout this module about Wikipedia was interesting too. Wikipedia is a decent place to get basic information, but it is important to be discerning about using it as a reference in my papers. Learning not to cite the Encyclopedia and I should use primary and second sources instead will help me improve my writing skills in the future. Here is some advice and strategies for college student searching for articles for papers or essays. Use the advanced search it helps you to narrow down articles about the topic you are searching. You should use the TLC rule, it is a great tool to use. The rule focuses on using the right terminology, searching with limits, and examining search Construction. Another tip is to use Google Scholar when looking for scholarly articles. Scholarly articles are reliable and have good quality. I hope you use some of these tips when you are searching for a topic for your assignments, papers, or essays.

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