Academic Resource

The academic resource that I used was an open lab for Fundamentals of Engineering. It was held in Hitchcock Hall room 308. I was struggling to write an assignment that I was given in that class so I decided to go to get after class help. My TA had told me about this opportunity while in class earlier in the day. I went and did my work while TA’s walked around and helped whoever needed it. Seeking this help was not hard at all. All that I had to do was show up and ask questions. I felt that there was no stigma related to utilizing this resource, and I actually saw a couple people that I knew. I feel like stigma isn’t a problem with seeking out help at OSU. I have never had to seek out academic help before so this experience was new to me. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got there so I came ready to do whatever they asked me. It turned out to be based on what I wanted or needed to do at the time. I felt like this had a large impact on the assignment that I turned in and the help that I was given definitely helped me be successful on that assignment. I think that, in general, help-seeking positively impacts students success. I have a much better understanding of writing lab memos after going to this help session. I also learned how to look at feedback given on graded assignments. During this open lab I was given resources to complete an assignment that was given in class to do as homework. Then as we worked we could ask the TA’s questions when we had them. My questions ranged from how to format the assignment to how to calculate the Young’s modulus. It was really helpful to bounce our ideas off the TA’s. They were also very knowledgeable about what is expected as they are the people grading this assignment. This let us both get our graded work done and learn more about writing lab memos, which is what the assignment was. I do like this method of receiving help because we get all the information we need and none that we don’t but I do see where there could be a problem. If someone was timid and didn’t want to ask a lot of questions then they could lose out on information that they needed. I went to this help session with a friend who was also struggling with this assignment, and both of us were benefited by going.  I think that I could be a tutor. I know that the best way to solidify a subject that you understand is to teach it to somebody who doesn’t so not only would this help the person that I tutor but it would also help me solidify concepts. After going to this resource I will certainly continue to use resources on this campus to help with my learning. I expect that this would help with my grades tremendously as well as my learning.


“Hitchcock Hall.”, Ohio State University, Columbus,

Student Organization Meeting

The student organization meeting that I decided to attend was for Design/Build/Fly. This organization builds a radio controlled model plane and flies it in the AIAA Design/Build/Fly competition. I found this student organization at the activity fair and it really got my attention. I went to this meeting alone but I did see people there that I knew. I think that this organization could help me because it is focused around aerospace and that is the field that I would want to go into in the future. I feel like this organization would also help me determine if I want to do aerospace or mechanical engineering because at this point I’m still unsure. The student leaders in this group seem like they are easygoing and nice and I could see myself becoming a student leader in this organization in the future. The meetings for this group are on Thursdays and on that day I only have one class so this allows me to do my homework and go to the meetings without much trouble. During this meeting I didn’t make many connections because the meeting was mostly going over the rules of the competition and showing us the simulator that the pilots of the plane use to practice. I’m not sure that I would be very good at being a pilot for the team though. At the activity fair I was having trouble finding a club that interested me and I wasn’t sure that I would have the time for this organization but after the meetings that I went to I do want to be involved in this club, and I would be willing to put the time in for this club. I think that the large size of this school does both good and bad for involvement. There is a club for everyone because of the sheer amount of clubs which is good but finding the one that’s right for you in all the clubs is hard to do. So many of the clubs are similar too and picking the one that you like can be hard. I don’t think that I’ll need to start a new student organization because there are so many at OSU already. I think it’s interesting how small the clubs can be even though there are so many students at this school. If there was a club that I think that I might want to start then I would consider starting one though. I don’t think that I would mind putting in the work for a club that I was really passionate about. I do think that I will continue my involvement in this club. One of the subgroups, the aerodynamics team, in the club really interested me too. This group is responsible for the design of the plane. This can get complicated because the competition has certain rules for the planes. Also, I feel like involvement in this club could be good for finding internships and careers in the field that I want.


This is the plane that DBF submitted into the competition last year.

OhioStateDBF (2019). Retrieved from