Helpful sources.


Riepenhoff, Jill. “RIVER A SUSPECT IN CANCER MYSTERY – EPA CHECKING MARION WATER SAMPLES.” Columbus Dispatch, The (OH), Home Final ed., sec. NEWS, 18 Oct. 1997, p. 01A. NewsBank, Accessed 18 Feb. 2019.



F. M. Middleton, and A. A. Rosen. “Organic Contaminants Affecting the Quality of Water.” Public Health Reports (1896-1970), vol. 71, no. 11, 1956, pp. 1125–1133. JSTOR,



“A Study of the Pollution and Natural Purification of the Scioto River: A Review.” Public Health Reports (1896-1970), vol. 57, no. 30, 1942, pp. 1103–1103. JSTOR,



Wright, Steve. “STUDENTS WARN OF POLLUTING RIVER.” Columbus Dispatch, The (OH), Home Final ed., sec. NEWS, 26 Nov. 1993, p. 04C. NewsBank, Accessed 18 Feb. 2019.



Mayhugh, Devon. “Scioto Greenways.” MKSK Studios, MKSK Studios, 15 May 2018,

The Pitch, the Complaint, and the Moment

The pitch of the article is that it wants you to take the side that suburban areas are more anti-green areas that are boring and difficult for the elderly to transverse then the larger cities who has less pollution because of things like apartment living and how its expensive to own a car. It also states that the growing generation of millennials are moving to the cities as they find that city living is more attractive then that of the suburban house living of their parents.

The complaint is reacting to the fact that their have been large emissions from suburban areas which can cause negative environmental effects. It also reacts to how their has been a growth from rural areas to suburban/urban areas as well as the fact that retirement homes are being fully booked before they’ve even broke ground. It as well reacts to the great recession.

The moment comes from the historical and cultural context that millenials like to have more of sociable living and tend to move away from the nest of suburban live and want something a bit more. It also acts on the time green earth times where in the U.S. going green is the next big thing as more and more people talk about how humans are killing the earth. It as well goes into the context of recent events like the great recession and how it may effect the decision’s of today.

Paper Prelim Post


  • Fallen dead trees
  • Dead fish
  • Rowing boats
  • Speed boats
  • Ducks
  • Duck poop
  • New docks
  • Broken docks
  • Brown water
  • Pollution(trash, etc.)
  • Green trees
  • People fishing
  • Floating trees
  • floods


  • Pollution(trash, etc.)>  brown water > dead fish > ducks > duck poop
  • New dock > Speed boats + rowing boats


  • Rowing boats – speed boats
  • new docks – broken docks
  • green trees – fallen trees


  • Swimmers
  • Floating trees
  • Floods
  • Dead body

10 on 1 Analysis

I’m choosing the Scioto River for my focal point for my analysis. This location represents home because of how much time I’ve spent on and around the river whether to exercise or to just cool my head and relax. The river is permanent in that the flow of the river never changes and represents the oldest part of Upper Arlington as the river has been than their before the oldest building in UA. The change of the river is represented by the people that come to it as well as the pollution that the river is contaminated with. Generations of families have used the river and though generations may grow old they always pass on the torch to the younger generations by taking them to fish or just for a nice family walk. The river shows its age through the things it carries, trash and other pollution has plagued the river but even with the dirty water people have learned to still use the river regardless.

Focal Point

My focal point is my part of home, Upper Arlington Ohio, the Scioto river for its permanence of the fact it’s a natural river thats been there for long time. Ever since the Upper Arlington was founded the young swim in and run alongside the river while the old walk alongside and fish in the river a continuation of generations doing the same things that those in the past has done. The river sees some changes from trees falling, new docks being made, and new events that come to the river. Not to mention the new families who come to our part of the city and visit the river with their families, bringing their children. It welcomes all and gives a sense of community between everyone no matter the age, race, or creed. It’s the symbol of the power of bodies of water on all living things.

January 24 HW

Paragraph one: one repeating image of the front cover of the book is the faded colors of the houses especially the one in the middle. This shows the aging of the house that it’s been through time whether its erosion from weather or other events that occurred around the house. This aging signifies that the house has gone through a history and though it was used in the past it now holds no families. The colors signify that the house was once loved and take care of and was a home for a family or families. In the end the house was abandoned left to rot, no care taker to look after it and no family for it to house.

Paragraph two: In Sandra Cisneros’ “Notes of a Native Daughter”, there is a repeating idea that the reason for the troubles of the families who live is because of their own fault. They blame the reason why they live in homes that are falling apart because they wanted to live somewhere cheap. This shows that though the neighborhood may be in trouble they think that the change revolves around them and their way to a better life is hindered because of their own decisions.  It gives a feeling of dread that life is always your fault and though something may happen that was out of your control the problem still lies in you. It shows how beaten and hurt the people of this neighborhood feel and that they only blame themselves whenever they feel pain or misery.