The Applied Immunology Lab

1.Guerau/AI Lab Members:


Our vision is to link high quality clinical, basic and translational research to improve health.

The members of the Applied Immunology Laboratory, led by Dr. Mireia Guerau-de-Arellano, unravel the mechanisms that lead to inflammation and autoimmunity with the goal of developing better diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.


Using a combination of Multiple Sclerosis patient samples, basic immunological research tools and animal models of autoimmunity, we identify changes in patient’s immune cells, reveal how they contribute to inflammation and disease development and validate their usefulness as therapeutic targets.

Immune Cell Involvement in Inflammation and Autoimmunity

Various types of immune cells contribute to inflammation and autoimmunity. In the AI Lab, we focus on two flavors of cells that can either drive inflammation/MS or regulate it. Namely, these are CD4 T cells and macrophages.

Techniques/models: While in the laboratory, you can learn a variety of techniques and models, from classic ELISA to the latest state-of-the-art bioinformatics analyses.  ELISA, Flow cytometry, DNA & RNA isolation, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Real-Time PCR, Tissue culture, Isolation of human  T cell subsets, Western Blotting, Bioinformatics (Microarray analysis, Ingenuity Pathway Analysis), Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

Publications: Trying to differentiate M1 from M2 macrophages? If so, we are excited to share with you our publication: Jablonski et al. “Novel Markers to Delineate Murine M1 and M2 Macrophages”.

Interested in the role that miR-155 plays in promoting inflammatory macrophage phenotype? Check out our latest publications: Jablonski et al. “Control of the inflammatory macrophage transcriptional signature by miR-155” This phenomenon, as well as direct effects on neurons, impact spinal cord repair: Gaudet et al. “miR-155 Deletion in Mice Overcomes Neuron-Intrinsic and Neuron-Extrinsic Barriers to Spinal Cord Repair”

Check out all the laboratory publications


April 2017: Lindsay Webb (PhD Grad student, BSGP program) is awarded the prestigious Presidential Fellowship.

December 2016: The lab is awarded an NIH R21 award to investigate the role of arginine methylation markers in memory T cell responses and EAE

August 2016: Our collaborative work within Ohio State University’s Drug Development Institute leads to a licensing deal

August 2016: Mireia Guerau. AAI Travel Award to the 2016 International Congress of Immunology in Melbourne, Australia

July 2016: The NCAI-CC Therapeutics cohort T-regulators team Lindsay Webb presenting findings at the iCorps finals

ICORPS@OHIO Final Presentations 2016 Thursday July 28, 2016. (Christina Paolucci, photographer).
ICORPS@OHIO Final Presentations 2016 Thursday July 28, 2016. (Christina Paolucci, photographer).

June 2016: The laboratory‘s first R01 “Epigenetic modulation of T cell tolerance in Multiple Sclerosis autoimmunity” was awarded by NIH NIAID. We are excited to have the opportunity to do this work!

June 2016: Joycelyn Dong was awarded a Northwestern University Summer Internship Grant Program for her summer research internship in the laboratory.

June 2016: Ayush Peddireddi was awarded a Biomedical Sciences (BMS) Enrichment Grant to support his summer undergraduate research internship in the laboratory. Congratulations Ayush!

May 2016: Lindsay Webb was awarded the 2016-2017 Systems Integrated Biology fellowship (NIH T32) competitive renewal.

May 2016: The team formed by Lindsay Webb, Chad Bennett and Mireia Guerau was awarded the Therapeutics iCorps award by the National Center for the Advancement of Innovations-Cleveland Clinic (NCAI-CC).

The T-Regulators - Team 21
The T-Regulators – Team 21

March 2016. Mireia Guerau. Early Career Faculty Travel Award to the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists in Seattle

April 2016. Mireia Guerau. BioTechne Travel Award to the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists in Seattle

April 2016. Lindsay Webb. OSUWMC Trainee Research Day Poster Presentation Travel Award. Congratulations Lindsay!!

Lindsay Webb and her poster
Research Day Travel Award Recipients (Lindsay Webb is second from the right)
Research Day Travel Award Recipients
(Lindsay Webb is second from the right)

May 2015: Lindsay Webb was awarded the 2015-2016 Systems Integrated Biology fellowship (NIH T32).

May 2015: Mireia Guerau. AAI Travel Award to attend the European Congress of Immunology

March 2015: Kyle Jablonski was awarded the Denman Forum 3rd Prize

March 2015: Kyle Jablonski. Travel Award to the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists in New Orleans.

March 2015. Mireia Guerau. Faculty Travel Award to the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists in New Orleans

Interested on what’s on my mind? Check out the @ImmunologyMireia Twitter feed

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