3. News

May 2017

Lindsay Webb‘s review “Methylation in Multiple Sclerosis: Beyond DNA” is published in Trends in Molecular Medicine. Limited-time free access (till July 14th 2017) is available here.

April 2017

BSGP graduate student Lindsay Webb is awarded the Presidential Fellowship, the most prestigious fellowship awarded by the Graduate School. Congratulations Lindsay!

February 2017

Lindsay Webb’s paper was featured on the cover of The Journal of Immunology. Congratulations Lindsay!

January 2017

Excited to share our three latest research contributions with the scientific community, just published!

The Journal of Immunology just published our work, first-authored by BSGP graduate student Lindsay Webb, on the role of arginine methylatransferase 5 in memory T cell responses and EAE. Using knockdown and novel PRMT5-selective inhibitors, we show that PRMT5 drives memory T cell expansion and the EAE mouse model of MS. The link to the manuscript is here.

Scientific Reports just published collaborative work on the protective role of Taenia crassiceps-induced monocytes on EAE. You can find the link here.

Our collaborative SLE work with the Jarjour Lab was just published in Clinical Immunology

December 2016

The lab is awarded an NIH R21 award to investigate the role of arginine methylation markers in memory T cell responses and EAE

November 2016

Our Plos One 2015 article “Novel Markers to Delineate Murine M1 and M2 Macrophages” was selected by Plos Editor’s for the Cell Biology Collection(http://collections.plos.org/cell-biology-picks). Exciting!

The National Center for Accelerated Innovations-Cleveland Clinic awarded the lab a pilot Research Grant to study asthma. Excited to do this work!

October 2016

We are excited to have Tucker Piergallini (BSGP graduate student) rotating in the laboratory. Good luck with your rotation project, Tucker!

We also warmly welcome Josh Chang, who is joining the lab as a Research Assistant. Excited to have you join the lab!

June 2016 News

This was a really exciting month with both student and grant awards! Graduate student Lindsay Webb received the SIB fellowship while undergraduate students Ayush Peddireddi and Joycelyn Dong received awards to support their summer internship.

The laboratory’s first R01 “Epigenetic modulation of T cell tolerance in Multiple Sclerosis autoimmunity” was awarded by NIH NIAID. We are excited to have the opportunity to do this work!

Our team was also funded by the National Center for Accelerated Innovations-Cleveland Clinic (NCAI-CC)  to explore therapeutics commercialization through an iCorps cohort.

May 2016 News

We are moving! Our new lab space is located in the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research (IBMR) building, aka Murray Hall. Some historic pictures from before the move. We have built great memories in this cozy space and it will keep a place in my heart as where I got the chance to start my own lab. Thank you Graves Hall B066!!

packing up the old lab below!!

photo 4
Lindsay and Steph packing in the Graves Hall Lab
photo 5
Packing. Thank you Planes Moving!

And the new lab before moving in…

photo 1
This will be our ELISA, flow and chemicals area on the back
photo 2
Chemical area
photo 3
Western blotting and PCR products areas

April 2016 News

Lindsay Webb was awarded the prestigious OSUWMC Trainee Research Day Travel Award received on April 21st 2016. This is a great recognition for your scientific work and presentation skills. Congratulations Lindsay!!

Research Day Travel Award Recipients (Lindsay Webb is second from the right)
Research Day Travel Award Recipients
(Lindsay Webb is second from the right)
Lindsay Webb at Research Day

And this is how we celebrated Lindsay’s achievement!!

photo 1
We think Lindsay likes chocolate…….. Really!
photo 2
….So we also got her “Death by chocolate” croissants!! What cannot kill you makes you stronger!!

Kyle’s OSUWMC Trainee Research Day poster presentation also caught a lot of attention!

Thank you AAI and Biotech for the Early Carer Investigator Award and Biotech Awards to attend the American Association of Immunologists meeting in Seattle in May 2016!!

November 2015 News

Enjoy an Immunology puzzle from Nature Immunology’s 10-year anniversary!

Immunology Crossword

September 2015 News

Lindsay Webb and Kyle Jablonski won tickets to the OSU-Hawaii game!!


Kyle and Lindsay with their tickets to the Hawaii game!

Kamil Salam honing his research & teaching skills at Lab Meeting. Way to go Kamil!!

Kamil demonstrating the pathways involved in Th cell differentiation

Mireia Guerau is on her way to the European Congress of Immunology thanks to the AAI Travel Award. Thank you AAI!

AAI Travel Award Recipients at the European Congress of Immunology. Thank you AAI!

August 2015 News

Mireia Guerau has been invited to be a member of the American Association of Immunologists Minority Affairs Committee (MAC).

The mission of the Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) is to generate and promote programs that assure equal treatment of all professional immunologists on the basis of merit. The MAC focuses on activities that advance the scientific development and career opportunities for minority scientists, in order to make them “full-fledged” members of the scientific community. Minority scientists are as defined by the National Institute of Health guidelines to represent individuals from racial and ethnic groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research nationally. For more information on the MAC Committee and its members, please visit AAI MAC Committee

Our lab outing to the Ohio State Fair was a gastronomic success. It was hard to choose between corn dogs, deep-fried Oreos, giant cream puffs and that refreshing lemonade! Pig races were a blast too for all scientists, including the youngest “scientist”!!   😉

At the Ohio Sate Fair-Dairy Area
The AI Lab with its youngest scientist ever at The Ohio State Fair

Former posts:

May 2015 News

Lindsay Webb competed for and was awarded the prestigious Systems Integreted Biology T32 fellowship for her dissertation work. Congratulations Lindsay!!!

Kyle Jablonski presented his work on macrophage phenotype biomarkers at the American association of Immunologists meeting in New Orleans. His poster had such high attendance he stayed for over an hour after his allotted time. Way to go Kyle!

Jablonski)AAI2015_IMG_2266 copyLowerdpi
Kyle presenting his macrophage work at AAI 2015

April 2015 News

Kyle Jablonski is presenting his work on macrophage phenotype biomarkers at the College of Medicine Research Day (April 16th) and PHPID (May 5th). We will be attending the American Association of Immunologists Meeting in New Orleans May 8th-12th.

March 2015 News: Kyle Jablonski and Himanshu Savardekar presented at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. and Kyle Jablosnki received the 3rd Prize for his poster presentation. Congratulations on your work!

Kyle presenting his macrophage signatures and markers work at the Denman Forum

We welcome Lindsay Webb (Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program) to the laboratory!

In addition, we thank the American Association of Immunologists for the generous support to attend AAI2015 in New Orleans through the Faculty&Undergraduate Travel Award. Congratulations Kyle on all your thorough undergraduate research work leading to this award!!

January 2015 News: Kyle Jablonski (AKA the Macrophage Wizard) receives the well-deserved MacMan T-shirt in recognition of his macrophage research accomplishments. Congratulations Kyle! And thank you Stephanie for making it happen!

Kyle Jablonski, our macrophage expert, wins the MacMan Award T shirt for his contributions to the field of macrophage biology

May 2014

The AAI meeting was at Pittsburgh this year and almost everyone was able to attend.

Enjoying lunch at AAI 2014 ( Pittsburgh)

On our way back to Columbus (Ohio), we visited world-acclaimed Fallingwater, an amazing work of architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright set in a stunning natural location.

Himanshu Savardekar, Mireia Guerau, Kyle Jablonski and Stephanie Amici at Fallingwater

December 2014: The Holidays Season has arrived to the Lab. Master artistic director Kyle Jablonski again created a work of art to animate and bring everyone into the Holiday’s spirits!

Thank you Kyle!!

Happy Holiday’s Tree by Kyle Jablonski

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