About Me

My name is Sarah Guendert and I’m an English major on the writing, rhetoric, and literacy track hoping to graduate in 2020 and move far away from Ohio. I would like to become a published author someday, whether it is poetry collections or fiction books, while also writing for television or movies. My past experiences include taking creative writing, poetry, and playwriting workshops at my previous university, DePauw, as well as being a part of an all-female comedy group in 2016. While in the feminist comedy group titled, “I Don’t Give A F*** About Your Boner,” I was an actress and writer. The group was initially created as part of the director’s senior video project, but it sent a message to the university that women on campus didn’t feel they could adequately participate in the campus’ predominately male-led tv station. The goal of the group was to spark conversation on campus about the toxicity of cis-heteronormativity and fraternity culture. Hopefully, I will be able to utilize my experience in the comedy group to work on something similar to one of my favorite tv shows and inspirations, Broad City. I briefly worked for CMG Journal in 2017 where I was an “Issue Editor” in which I reviewed and edited articles in the journal for errors and syntax. I currently work as a tutor in the Writer’s Studio, where I help students write and edit their college papers. I can always become an editor of some sort for magazines or the like.