Mindmap and Problem Areas

Identify Problem Areas & Solution Goals:

Problem Areas:

  • Stabilizing
    • User Needs: Needs help stabilizing food and items in place while performing tasks
    • Solution Goal: Ability to keep items in place without using her hand/arm
  • Opening
    • User Needs: Needs help gripping and turning a wide variety of objects
    • Solution Goal: Increased grip strength, more force when twisting and turning, extra stability, keep area clean
  • Peeling
    • User Needs: Needs help peeling food with hands or other cutting items safely
    • Solution Goal: Item to hold food in place while user can peel outer layers
  • Cooking
    • User Needs: User needs help to crack eggs, pour liquids, mix food, and cook food safely and cleanly.
    • Solution Goal: Safe and efficient way to cook at high speeds and thorough processes.
  • Carrying
    • User Needs: Needs to carry a wide variety of objects in a safe and easy manner
    • Solution Goal: Flexibility (can be applied to different shapes and sizes of objects), use on hot objects, and the ability to carry heavy item


Problem Statements:

  • *Stabilizing: Design a product that helps hold items in place and prevents food or plates from moving while a user is performing tasks on the item.
    • Opening: Design a product that assists in the stabilization and grip needed in opening a jar – especially one that is new (tougher to open).
    • Peeling: Design a product that can assist in the peeling and holding of a fruit, vegetable, etc efficiently and safely in order to satisfy the user.
  • Cooking: Design a product that helps the user cook in pans or pots efficiently and safely through stabilization and any other useful equipment or utensils needed.
  • Carrying: Create a product that allows users to carry objects of different sizes and weights safely with the use of only one arm.